0801-Medical Decisions I: Autonomy and Consent
0801- Ethico-Legal Issues of Consent for Children and Adolescents
0801-Ethico-Legal Issues in Medical Decisions for Incompetent Adults
0801-Ethico-Legal Issues in Emergency Treatment
0801-Ethico-Legal Issues in Clinical Research: General
0801-Ethico-Legal Issues in Research
0801-Impact of Sensory Disorders on Religious & Social Obligations
0801-Ethico-Legal Issues with Medical Records
0801-Privacy and Confidentiality
0801-Impact of Psychoneurotic Disorders on Religious and Social Obligations
0801-Release of Confidential Information
0801-Purposes and Principles of the Law in Medicine
0802-Use of Animals in Research
0802-Connective Tissue Disorders I: The Bony Skeleton
0802-Connective Tissue Disorders II: Cartilage and Ligament Disorders
0802-Compulsory Treatment of Mental Patients
0802-Disorders of Old Age
0802-Doctors with Dual Obligations I
0802-Ethico-Legal Issues in Prescription of Medication
0802-Issues in Medical, Surgical, and Other Treatments
0802-Marriage Contracts: Health-Related Aspects
0802-Physician Conduct
0802-Physician Misconduct
0802-Prophetic Medicine
0802-Etiquette of Research on Humans
0802-Social and Religious Obligations in Movement Disorders
0802-Religious and Social Obligations in Speech and Vestibular Disorders
0802-Stress: Models of Causation
0802-Chinese Traditional and Complementary Medicine
0802-National Symposium on Medical Ethics: Cases for Discussion
0802-Sexual Behavior: Normal, Dysfunctional, and Deviant
0802-Sexual Behavior: Normal, Dysfunctional, and Deviant
0803-Ethico-Legal Issues in Delivery of Infants with Neural Tube Defects
and Hydrocephalus
0803-Ethico-Legal Issues in Autopsy and Post Mortem Examination
0803-Traditional European Medicine
0803-Indian Traditional Medicine: Historical Background
0803-Limits to Parental Rights - The Gillick Case
0803-Palliative Care
0803-Pre-Natal and Neonatal Diagnosis & Treatment
0803-Etiquette of Research on Humans
0803-Solid Organ Transplantation
0803-Tibbia College
0803-Unani Medicine
0803-Issues in Upper GIT Disorders
0803-Child Abuse
0803-Evaluating the Impact of Training on Knowledge and Practice of Medical
Ethics: doctors
0803-Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practice of Medical Ethics among Medical
0803-Knowledge, Opinions, Attitudes, and Practice of Medical Ethics among Medical
0803-Evaluating the Impact of Training on Knowledge and Practice of Medical
Ethics: nurses
0803-12-Year Experience of Deriving Medical Ethico-Legal Rulings
0804-Etiquette with Patients and Their Families
0804-Etiquette with the Dying
0804-Ethico-Legal Issues with Medical Records (Review)
0804-Pregnancy, Haml
0804-Superstition in Seeking Cure
0804-Benchmarking In Islamic Hospital Practice
0805-A Brief Discourse on Legal Rulings for Medical Students and Practitioners
0805-Ethico-Legal Issues in Midwifery: An Islamic Perspective
0806-Assessment of Knowledge of Medical Ethics among Participants Ethics
Training Program
0806-Assessment of Knowledge of Medical Ethics among Participants Ethics
Training Program
0806-Assessment of Knowledge of Ethics among Participants in Ethics Training
0806-Assessment of Knowledge of Ethics among Participants in Ethics Training
0806-A 10-Year Experience Of Integrating Islamic Values In The Medical Program
0806-Integration of Islamic Values and Islamic Law In The Medical Curriculum
0806-Life vs Resources: A Hospital Dilemma from a Maqasidi Perspective
0806-Training Physicians for the Islamic Health Care Industry
0806-Medical Ethics Training Program Bandung
0806-Medical Ethics Training Program Nigeria
0807-Cases for Discussion at Islamic Ethico-Legal Training Program
0807-Cases for Discussion at Islamic Ethico-Legal Training Program
0807-Assessment of Knowledge of Medical Ethics among Participants: Bandung
0807-Assessment of Knowledge of Ethics among Participants: Bandung
0807-Medical Ethico-Legal Issues: An Islamic Perspective
0807-Medical Ethico-Legal Issues: An Islamic Perspective
0807-Medical Ethico-Legal Issues: An Islamic Perspective
0808-Patient Autonomy in Medical Decisions
0808-Definition of Legal Death as Brain Death
0808-Outline of the UK
Disability Discrimination Acts
0808-Doctors with Dual Obligations
0808-An Islamic Ethico-Legal Perspective on Autopsy
0808-Ethico-Legal Issues Relating To Artificial Life Support
0808-Ethico-Legal Aspects of Euthanasia and Physician Assisted Suicide
0808-Ethical Guidelines on Dealing with Patients & Families
0808-Fiqh Issues in Cardiovascular Disease
0808-Legal Rulings on Life Support in Terminal Care
0808-Menstrual Disorders: Fiqh Rulings
0808-Aspects of Palliative Care
0808-Patient and Physician Autonomy
0808-Physician Conduct
0808-Responsibilities and Rights of a Physician
0808-Prophetic Medicine, Tibb Nabawi
0808-Religious Background and Medical Practice
0808-Research on Animals
0808-Research on Humans: A Historical Background
0808-Review of Ethical Principles
0808-Review of Ethical Theories
0808-Solid Organ Transplantation
0808-The Law: Sources, Purposes, and Principles
0808-Tibbia College
0808-Chinese Traditional and Complementary Medicine:
0808-Unani Medicine
0808-Diagnosis: History, Examination and Investigation
0808-Fundamentals of Ethics
0808-Fundamentals of Laws
0808-Physician Etiquette
0808-Medical Issues in Puasa
0809-Patient and Physician Autonomy
0809-Review of Ethical Theories
0809-Ethical Principles Based on the Principles of the Law
0809-Ethical Principles According to Beauchamps and Childress
0809-International Ethical Codes
0809-Ethico-Legal-Fiqh Issues in Disorders of the Hematopoietic System
0809- Medical Decisions: Autonomy and Consent
0809-Ethico-Legal Issues of Consent for Children and Adolescents
0809-Ethico-Legal Issues in Medical Decisions for Incompetent Adults:
0809-Ethico-Legal Issues Relating Sexually Transmitted Disease – HIV
as a Prototype
0809-Etiquette with the Dying
0809-Etiquette with the Dying
0809-Issues in the Management of Lymphomas
0809-Cases for Discussion at Islamic Ethico-Legal Training Program
0809-Assessment of Knowledge of Ethics among Participants in an Ethics Training:
0809-Assessment of Knowledge of Ethics among Participants in an Ethics Training:
0809-Inculcating Islamic Habits in Effective Diabetes Care
0809-Inculcating Islamic Habits in Effective Diabetes Care
0809-Medical Ethico-Legal-Fiqhi Issues: An Islamic Perspective
0809-Medical Ethico-Legal-Fiqhi Issues: An Islamic Perspective
0810-Connective Tissue Disorders
0810-Ethico-Legal Issues in Clinical Research: General
0810-Use of Animals in Research
0810-Medical Decisions: Autonomy and Consent
0810-Ethico-Legal Issues of Consent for Children and Adolescents
0810-Ethico-Legal Issues in Medical Decisions for Incompetent Adults
0810-Disclosure and Truthfulness
0810-Ethico-Legal Issues in Emergency Treatment
0810-Impact of GIT Symptoms and Signs on Religious Obligations
0810-Medical Decisions: Autonomy and Consent
0810-Ethico-Legal Issues with Medical Records
0810-Impact of Lower GIT Disorders on Social
and Religious Obligations
0810-Impact of Personality and Psychiatric Disorders on Religious and Social
0810-Privacy and Confidentiality
0810-Release of Confidential Information
0810-Disorders of the Skin
0810-Actualizing Islamic Medicine in Indonesia
0810-Cases for Discussion at Islamic Ethico-Legal Training Program
0810-Ethical Dilemmas in Critically Ill Patients:
0810-Medical Ethico-Legal-Fiqhi Basis of Medical Practice: an Islamic Perspective
0810-Islamic Law and Ethics: Applications in Medical Practice
0810-Islamic Medicine
0810-Islamic Medicine: Concept & Misunderstandings
0810-Medical Ethico-Legal (MEL) Learning and Practice: International Experience.
0810-Professionalism: An Islamic Perspective
0810-Medical Ethico-Legal-Fiqhi Issues: an Islamic Perspective
0811-Ethico-Legal Issues in Research
0811-Anxiety Disorders
0811-Ethico-Legal Issues in Clinical Research: General
0811-Legal Competence, Ahliyyat
0811-Prayer for Patients with Urinary Disorders
0811-Research on Humans: a Historical Background
0811-Classification of Tibb Nabawi
0811-Gender: Some Concepts from an Islamic Perspective
0811-Nursing Standard Operating Procedures: An Islamic Perspective
0812-Patient Autonomy in Medical Decisions
0812-Use of Animals in Research
0812-Ethical Principles
0812-Ethical Theories
0812-Medicine, Law and Ethics: European and Islamic Perspectives
0812-Etiquette of Research on Humans
0812-Diet and Nutrition: An Islamic Perspective
0812-The Concepts of Health: An Islamic Perspective
0812-The Concept of Islamic Medicine
0812-Masalah Etika Kedokteran–Hukum-Fiqh: Sebuah Perspektik Islam
0812-Medical Ethico-Legal-Fiqhi Issues: An Islamic Perspective
0812-Physical Activity and Exercise: An Islamic Perspective
0812-Prophetic Medicine
0801-Sexual Perversions
0804-Unwanted Pregnancy and Abortion
0806-Cross Sectional Studies
0812-Masyarakat, Al Jama’at
0812-The Community, Al Jama’at
0812-Life Style and Social Failure: An Islamic Perspective
0812-Masyarakat, Al Jama’at