1. Explain the academic definition of religion based on: an object of worship, a
prophet, theology, scriptures, doctrines & dogmas, rites, rituals, & ceremonies, icons or symbols, holidays, ethics
and social teachings.
2. Explain why understanding the patient’s religious belief is important in medical
3. Discuss how specific Islamic religious concepts relate to medicine: excellence / quality,
monotheism, messengers and messages, eschatology, sinning, and transgression.
4. Explain how a patient’s understanding of re-determinism affects health-related
behavior with reference to beliefs about human will, human responsibility and accountability for actions / choices, human
rights and limits to individual freedom, disease (causation, prevention, and treatment), health promotion, and reconciliation
between pre-determination and probability theory.
5. Explain dogmas with medical implications in Buddhism and Hinduism, Confucianism
and Taoism, Christianity and Judaism.