The cross-sectional study, also called the prevalence study or naturalistic sampling, has the objective
of determination of prevalence of risk factors and prevalence of disease at a point in time (calendar time or an event like
birth or death). Disease and exposure are ascertained simultaneously. A cross-sectional study can be descriptive or analytic
or both. It may be done once or may be repeated. Individual-based studies collect
information on individuals. Group-based (ecologic) studies collect aggregate information about groups of individuals. Cross-sectional
studies are used in community diagnosis, preliminary study of disease etiology, assessment of health status, disease surveillance,
public health planning, and program evaluation. Cross-sectional studies have the advantages of simplicity, and rapid execution
to provide rapid answers. Their disadvantages are: inability to study etiology because the time sequence between exposure
and outcome is unknown, inability to study diseases with low prevalence, high respondent bias, poor documentation of confounding
factors, and over-representation of diseases of long duration.
Ecological studies, exploratory or analytic, study aggregate and not individual information. Groups
commonly used are schools, factories, and countries. Exposure is measured as an overall group index. Outcome is measured as
rates, proportions, and means. The correlation and regression coefficients are used
as effect measures. The advantages of ecological studies are: low cost, convenience, easy analysis, and interpretation. They
have several weaknesses. They generate but cannot test hypotheses. They cannot be used in definitive etiological research.
They suffer from ecological fallacy (relation at the aggregate is not true at the individual level). They lack data to control
for confounding. Data is often inaccurate or incomplete. Collinearity is a common problem.
Surveys involve more subjects than the usual epidemiological sample are used for measurement of health
and disease, assessment of needs, assessment service utilization and care. They may be population or sample surveys. Planning
of surveys includes: literature survey, stating objectives, identifying and prioritizing the problem, formulating a hypothesis,
defining the population, defining the sampling frame, determining sample size and sampling method, training study personnel,
considering logistics (approvals, manpower, materials and equipment., finance, transport, communication, and accommodation), preparing and pre-testing the study questionnaire.
Surveys may be cross sectional or longitudinal. The household is the usual sampling unit. Sampling may be simple random sampling,
systematic sampling, stratified sampling, cluster sampling, or multistage sampling. Existing data may be used or new data
may be collected using a questionnaire (postal, telephone, diaries, and interview), physical examinations, direct observation,
and laboratory investigations. Structure and contents of the survey report is determined
by potential readers. The report is used to communicate information and also apply for funding.
The case-control study is popular because or its low
cost, rapid results, and flexibility. It uses a small numbers of subjects. It is used for disease (rare and non rare) as well
as non disease situations. A case control study can be exploratory or definitive. The variants of case control studies are
the case-base, the case-cohort, the case-only, and the crossover designs. In the case-base design, cases are all diseased
individuals in the population and controls are a random sample of disease-free individuals in the same base population. The
case-cohort design is sampling from a cohort (closed or open). The case-only design is used in genetic studies in which the
control exposure distribution can be worked out theoretically. The crossover design is used for sporadic exposures. The same
individual can serve as a case or as a control several times without any prejudice to the study. The source population for
cases and controls must be the same. Cases are sourced from clinical records, hospital discharge records, disease registries,
data from surveillance programs, employment records, and death certificates. Cases are either all cases of a disease or a
sample thereof. Only incident cases (new cases) are selected. Controls must be from the same population base as the cases
and must be like cases in everything except having the disease being studied. Information comparability between the case series
and the control series must be assured. Hospital, community, neighborhood, friend, dead, and relative controls are used. There
is little gain in efficiency beyond a 1:2 case control ratio unless control data is obtained at no cost. Confounding can be
prevented or controlled by stratification and matching. Exposure information is obtained from interviews, hospital records,
pharmacy records, vital records, disease registry, employment records, environmental data, genetic determinants, biomarker,
physical measurements, and laboratory measurements.
The case-control study design has the following strengths/advantages: computation of the OR as an approximation
of the RR, low cost, short duration, and convenience for subjects because they are contacted/interviewed only once. The case
control design several disadvantages: RR is approximated and is not measured, Pr(E+/D+) is computed instead of the more informative
Pr(D+/E+), rates are not obtained because marginal totals are artificial and not natural being fixed by design, the time sequence
between exposure and disease outcome is not clear, vulnerability to bias (misclassification, selection, and confounding),
inability to study multiple outcomes, lack of precision in evaluating rare exposures, inability to validate historical exposure
information, and inability to control for relevant confounding factors.
A follow up study (also called cohort study, incident study, prospective study, or longitudinal study),
compares disease in exposed to disease in non-exposed groups after a period of follow-up. It can be prospective (forward),
retrospective (backward), or ambispective (both forward and backward) follow-up. In a nested case control design, a case control
study is carried out within a larger follow up study. The follow-up cohorts may be closed (fixed cohort) or open (dynamic
cohort). The study population is divided into the exposed and unexposed populations. A sample is taken from the exposed and
another sample is taken from the unexposed. Both the exposed and unexposed samples are followed for appearance of disease.
The study may include matching, (one-to-one or one-to-many), pre and post comparisons, multiple control groups, and stratification.
The study cohort is from special exposure groups, such as factory workers, or groups offering special resources, such as health
insurance subscribers. Information on exposure can be obtained from the following sources: existing records, interviews/questionnaires,
medical examinations, laboratory tests for biomarkers, testing or evaluation of the environment. The time of occurrence of
the outcome must be defined precisely. The ascertainment of the outcome event must be standardized with clear criteria. Follow-up
can be achieved by letter, telephone, surveillance of death certificates and hospitals. Care must be taken to make sure that
surveillance, follow-up, and ascertainment for the 2 groups are the same.
The cohort design has 4 advantages: it gives a true risk ratio based on incidence rates, the time sequence
is clear since exposure precedes disease, incidence rates can be determined directly, and several outcomes of the same exposure
can be studied simultaneously. It has 5 disadvantages: loss to subjects and interest due to long follow-up, inability to compute
prevalence rate of the risk factor, use of large samples to ensure enough cases of outcome, and high cost. The cost can be
decreased by using existing monitoring/surveillance systems, historical cohorts, general population information instead of
studying the unexposed population, and the nested case control design. Follow-up studies are not suitable for study of diseases
with low incidence.