Human resource management (HRD) has 2 parts: placement and maintenance. Placement
involves human resources planning, recruitment, selection, orientation, and training. Maintenance involves training and development,
compensation, benefits/motivation, evaluation, control, transitions and change, and termination.
Job design is specification of contents, methods, relationships of jobs, and
specific task assignment. Job description covers tasks, goals, and expected standards of performance. Job assignment must
consider age, gender, education, job skills, perceptions, attitudes, and personality.
Specialization increases efficiency and productivity. Too much specialization
is wasteful because workers cannot be rotated.
Job performance is measured by the output, worker behavior, and job satisfaction.
The main principles of good staffing are: hiring the right people, retaining
good people, training workers to assume more responsibilities, rehabilitating those who are unproductive, and eliminating
The selection process involves: preliminary screening, review of applications,
testing (job sample test, general intelligence, aptitude tests, personality), reference checks, interview, and physical examination.
Training is part of personnel management and involves: orienting new employees,
sharpening skills, keeping skills current, and motivating. Training programs include: simulation, on the job training, outside
courses/workshops, apprenticeship.
Development is general improvement in knowledge, understanding, and skills
of the worker. Development is informal and is purely a product of staying for a long time in a stimulating and learning organization.
Delegation is assigning a project or a task to a worker who is then responsible
for its execution under varying amounts of supervision. The main elements of delegation are a task, a delegatee, a delegator,
and responsibility/accountability. Delegation frees the leader's time for other activities such as thinking, strategic planning,
control, and evaluation. It is a form of training and skill enhancement for the followers. Some tasks are delegatable and
others are not.
A successful delegation process requires deciding what to delegate, making
the assignment clear and specific, assigning an objective and not a procedure, allowing autonomy but monitoring performance,
giving credit, avoiding blaming, and taking full responsibility for mistakes. The delegatee chosen for the task must have
time, skills, and enthusiasm. He requires training, coaching, continuous motivation, follow-up, and evaluation. Delegation
is sometimes avoided because of poor leadership, misunderstanding the delegation process, and follower unpreparedness.
Appraisals are used for promotion, salary reviews, placement, motivation,
and company planning. Trait appraisal looks at traits such as: appearance, self-confidence, ability of self-expression, alertness,
ambition, initiative, energy, knowledge of organization, ability to learn, accuracy, meeting deadlines, health, enthusiasm,
attitude, acceptance of responsibility, efficient use of time, finishing tasks, adaptability, maturity, delegation, judgment,
volume of work output, and forward planning. Performance appraisal looks at productivity in terms of quality and quantity.
Performance has two components: competence (knowledge, skills, level of education, and amount of training) and commitment
(self confidence and motivation). Extrinsic rewards are salaries and benefits that may be monetary or non-monetary. Intrinsic
rewards are intangibles like job satisfaction, respect, self-esteem.
Problem workers are activists turned office workers, misfits, incompetents,
and workers with poor attitude. Common attitude problems are ignoring instructions, chronic whining and complaining, an attitude
of not caring, acting like knowing everything, a 9-to-5 attitude, burn-out, prejudice, difficulty of getting along, gossip,
tension and hard feelings, too much sick leave, trying to be perfect and avoiding challenges, being a maverick loner and non-conformist,
under-performing, egomania and autocracy, poor human relations, unrealistic objectives, trying to be irreplaceable, conflicting
with others, and disloyalty. Attitude problems should be avoided preventively by discovering them during interview, trying
to discover them at work while they are still below the surface, counseling after employment.
A bad manager leads to demotivation and loss of initiative. Among diseases
of managers are intimidating and managing by fear, bad temper, indecisiveness, waffling, abdication of responsibility, being
an authoritarian power clutcher, behaving as of the boss is always right, and dishonesty.