1. Describe the basis for a physician treating
an incompetent patient without consent (best interests /benefit of the patient, necessity).
2.. Describe situations in which physicians
can treat patients without consent (emergencies, compulsory treatment of mental patients).
3. Describe legal guidelines of consent for
preventive procedures (screening, immunization).
4. Describe 2 considerations in detaining or
restraining patient movements (freedom to move, protection of the patient and others from harm).
5. Describe the main provisions of the mental
health act regarding treatment of mental patients and describe the committal procedure.
6. Describe the involvement / role of the family
in the consent process for the incompetent
7. Describe 2 ways in which a proxy decision
maker can reach a decision (preferences of the patient, best interests of the patient).
8. Explain how an advance statement is a form
of prospective autonomy d. Describe advantages of advance statements
9. Describe disadvantages of advance statements
10. Describe the format of an advance statement.
11. List conditions
in which a physician must seek a second opinion or court review if the patient in incapacitous (detention and restraint, sterilization
or impairing fertility, pregnancy termination, withdrawing or withholding artificial nutrition and hydration, organ donation).