The Islamic
Input in the Medical Curriculum (IIMC) has the objectives of training physicians who will be the pillars of Islamic hospitals
and the Islamic Healthcare industry that is expected to outperform the Islamic banking industry in the next decade. IIMC integrates
Islamic values and Law in the teaching and practice of Medicine. It was successfully implemented over a 10-year period (1997-2007)
at the Kulliyah of Medicine of the International Islamic University Malaysia and for varying and shorter periods at other schools of medicine
in Malaysia, Indonesia,
Pakistan, Brunei,
and others. IIMC achieved Islamization of the curriculum through integrating of the teacher (teacher of medicine also teaches
Islamic values), the teaching materials (Islamic values and law related to medical knowledge), and assessments (questions
on Islam included in the examinations).
The paper
traces the author’s journey in the development of the Islamic Input in the Medical Curriculum and its theory and practice
over a period of 2 decades. It delineates distinct stages: definition of an Islamic epistemology, definition of Islamic and
prophetic medicine, definition of the philosophy of Islamic medical education, preparation and implementation of IIMC at the
Kulliyah of medicine UIA, training of IIMC teachers, dissemination of IIMC and its supporting materials (to other medical
schools, medical practitioners, and ulama, using the internet and face-to-face workshops), and further theoretical developments
on Islamic concepts (in basic medical sciences, ethics and law, social and preventive medicine, and personal development of
the physician). The sequence above was correct in essence but there were overlaps between stages. The date of publication
or presentation of concepts is also not a true indicator of their genesis. Many concepts were incubated in the author’s
mind for a long time before public presentation. The future stages envisaged in the sequence are evaluation of the impact
of IIMC and extending IIMC to postgraduate education. The paper is mainly a record of history and the same paper title has
been quoted with dates reflecting changes in thoughts with passage of time as ideas fermented and matured. The paper is written
in the first person and in the past tense for ease of historical narration.
My journey
towards the Islamic Input in the Medical Curriculum started in 1981 when I presented a paper at the First International Conference
of Islamic Medicine that was held in Kuwait.
I made an argument in that paper that the practice of modern medicine must reflect Islamic values[1]. The paper was well received
but it went against the general interest of the conference which was historical Muslim medicine. At the Second Conference
of Islamic Medicine also held in Kuwait in 1982, I presented a paper arguing
that Islamic medicine must be reflected in practical medical aid for the poor and the destitute and I used Africa
as a case in point[2]. I revisited this issue in 1998[3] but it did not hold my attention for long. I was intellectually restless
because I was not comfortable with the idea of Islamic medicine being seen in a historical perspective only. I was equally
unhappy with Islamic medicine being seen only as delivering charity medical services. I sought a distinct Islamic conceptual
perspective in medical sciences and medical practice. The need to reform medicine using Islamic principles was still an intellectual
challenge 15 years later[4]. This continuing intellectual restlessness and curiosity led me to the field of Islamization of
knowledge and the development of an Islamic epistemology.
3.1 Crisis of knowledge: I spent the period 1982-1994 working on various projects
of Islamization of Knowledge as a strategy to resolve the ummatic crisis of knowledge. I discussed the crisis in a series
of papers even as recent as 2007[5, 6]. There was a dichotomy in the education system: traditional Islamic vs. imported European.
There was a dichotomy in the sources of knowledge, ulum al diin vs ulum al dunia. Students could not deal with the contradictory world views presented to them and ended up confused.
This resulted in the elite of the ummat having a split-mind neither traditional
Muslim nor European. This confusion resulted in intellectual weakness with inability to analyze and solve the problems of
the ummat. The crisis also explained why after many years of sending students overseas
to acquire knowledge, the ummat was still dependent on others in the fields of
science and technology. Motivation for innovation in science and technology cannot occur in the presence of intellectual confusion
about basic issues like identity. After years of involvement with the issue of the crisis of knowledge, I reached a working
definition of Islamization of knowledge as well as a practical strategy for achieving it. I believed then as I continue to
believe today that the Islamization strategy could effectively resolve the crisis of knowledge both in medicine and other
3.2 The concept of Islamization of knowledge: Islamization was a process of recasting
the corpus of human knowledge to conform to the basic tenets of ‘aqidat al tauhid.
The process of Islamization did not call for re-invention of the wheel of knowledge but called for reform, correction,
and re-orientation. It was evolutionary and not revolutionary. It was corrective and reformative. It was the first step in
the Islamization and reform of the education system[7] as a prelude to Islamization and reform of society[8]. Islamization
had to start with reforming the epistemology and methodology of each discipline in a pro-active, academic, methodological,
objective, and practical strategy. Its vision was objective, universal, and beneficial knowledge in the context of a harmonious
interaction of humans with their physical, social, and spiritual environment.
3.3 Immediate goals of the Islamization strategy: The Islamization strategy had six
goals. The first goal was purging from existing disciplines of paradigms and concepts that reflected parochial world views
in order to achieve universal objectivity. The second goal was reconstruction of the paradigms using universal Islamic guidelines.
The third goal was re-classifying disciplines to reflect universal tauhidi values. The fourth goal was reforming research
methodology to become objective, purposeful, and comprehensive. The fifth goal was generation of new knowledge by research.
The sixth step was inculcating morally correct application of knowledge.
3.4 Dissemination of the Islamization strategy: I presented papers clarifying basic
epistemological issues from an Islamic perspective such as the nature of knowledge[9,10], the history of human knowledge[11],
the philosophy of knowledge[12], the methodology of knowledge[13], the Islamic perspective of knowledge[14], and development
of a scientific culture[15]. It was clear to me from the beginning that Islamization of medicine was not about content because
content changed quickly with on-going research. Islamization had to address basic conceptual issues in the methodology of
research. I therefore presented a paper in September 1996 in which I explained conceptual problems in contemporary research
methodology and an Islamic approach to methodological reform[16]. In the same direction I presented papers critiquing the
empirical methodology not in its practical essence but its underlying often unstated philosophical assumptions and biases
in data interpretation[17-19].
3.5 Islamization of medicine: The decision to focus Islamization efforts on medicine
was not easy because the conventional wisdom gave priority to the social and human sciences. I had never been comfortable
with the notion that priority of Islamization was in the social sciences on the basis that had underlying paradigms that contradicted
tauhid and that they had a bigger impact on society. I realized that the first
assertion was not true since natural sciences including medicine were far from being value-neutral or culture-neutral. I also
realized that the second assertion was untrue because all major social changes had medical or engineering innovations as catalysts.
I wrote a paper on the impact of the oral contraceptive pill on society and family starting in 1960 to prove the point. I
therefore started looking at the work of Islamization of medicine as a model for other disciplines of knowledge[20].
3.6 Towards an Islamic epistemology: I devoted attention to the concept of integration
which was the essence of epistemological reform since it would marry Islamic values and science. The paradigm of tauhid underlay all integration efforts[21]. An integrated medical curriculum had to have Islamic values embedded[22]
in it. Integrated medical practice required integrated medical education[23] because physicians trained in an integrated curriculum
were likely to practice integrated medicine. As I progressed further in the evolving concept of integrating Islamic values
in medicine, it became clear to me that we would not move forward unless we developed an Islamic epistemology[24] and that
more theoretical work on Islamic epistemology needed to be carried out. I presented several papers on research priorities
in epistemology and thought[25-28]. The interdisciplinary nature of medicine led me to present papers on epistemological issues
in other disciplines[29-32] as well as reform those disciplines within the Islamization paradigm [33-36]. These ideas were
disseminated at several seminars of non-medical nature out of the realization that Islamization of medicine could not be carried
out in isolation[37-40].
4.1 Muslim vs Islamic medicine: After clarifying Islamization and related epistemological
issues, I addressed the definition of Islamic medicine. This was needed to counter strong tendencies towards regarding the
Islamization of medicine as a return to traditional Muslim medicine practiced centuries earlier. My conviction was that we
were dealing with Islamizing scientific medicine and not doing away with it. In July 1995, I presented a paper at a conference
in Kuala Lumpur on my concept of Islamic medicine[41]. The
paper continued to generate interest even 10 years later and was represented at various forums after that, for example in
Indonesia[42] and was published at least two times[43-44]. I started by clarifying the semantic confusion between the adjectives
'Islamic' and 'Muslim'. I explained that 'Islamic' refers to values, ideas, guiding principles, and application of the Qur'an
and 'Muslim' refers to people who self-identify as Muslims as well as their activities and institutions. They may not follow
all the teachings of Islam. Thus Islamic medicine, the ideal, is not the same as Medicine of Muslim societies, which is the
actual historical or contemporary experience of Muslim societies.
4.2 Islamic medicine as concepts and paradigms: I then defined Islamic Medicine as
Medicine whose basic paradigms, concepts, values, and procedures conform to or do not contradict the Qur'an and Sunnah. I emphasized that Islamic medicine was not related to specific medical procedures or therapeutic agents
used at a particular place or a particular time. Islamic medicine was universal, all - embracing, flexible, and allowed for
growth and development of various methods of investigating and treating diseases within the frame-work described above. I
concluded that this definition called for basic transformation of medical systems. Islamic medicine thus would become the
result of an Islamic critique and reformulation of the basic paradigms, research methodology, teaching, and practice of medicine.
This process of conceptual transformation is also called Islamization of medicine. I revisited the issue of the role of Qur’an
and sunnat in medicine in several presentations because of its importance[45-46].
The next
task was to address the tendency towards confining Islamic medicine to Prophetic medicine and thus making it unnecessary to
Islamize modern scientific medicine. I addressed the issue of Prophetic medicine in several papers in South Africa[47] Malaysia[48], and Indonesia[49]. The general grain of my arguments was that
Prophetic medicine was valid and effective, since prophetic pronouncements and practices were revelation, but that new research
was needed to characterize efficacy, dosage, indications, and contraindications of herbal remedies today because of changes
in the people, the herbs used, and disease pathology. Language changes had also to be taken into account because a word used
for a herb or a disease centuries ago may not have the same meaning today. I also argued that Prophetic medicine did not cover
all medical conditions and diseases since it was limited by its spatio-temporal context. These efforts succeeded in diverting
attention from Islamization of scientific medicine to confining understanding of Islamic medicine to the historical forms
of prophetic medicine. The modern use of concepts from Prophetic medicine after new research was explored in several fields
for example in primary health care[50]. After deliberating Prophetic medicine for over 10 years I realized that what is defined
as prophetic medicine was only a small portion of hadiths relating to medicine. There were many hadiths of medical significance
that were not recognized by our ancestors because the medical knowledge available at their time could not enable them identify
the medical significance of all hadiths. I therefore started making a new collection of hadiths with view to expanding the
definition of prophetic medicine[51-52].
The philosophy
of Islamic medical education was presented at a conference organized by the Islamic Medical Association of Malaysia at Khota
Bharu in Kelantan in June 1996 in a paper titled ‘Concepts of Islamic medical education’[53]. The contents of
the paper with improvements were presented subsequently at later forums[54-57]. I presented 6 problems or issues in contemporary
medical education and explained how an Islamic Input curriculum would address them. The 6 conceptual issues were the purpose
of medicine, integration of the curriculum, the service vocation in medicine, physician leadership role, medical research
as ijtihad, and physician motivation. The purpose
of medicine, which defines the system of medical education, was to maintain or improve the quality of life and not to prevent
or postpone death. Integration of the curriculum, deriving from the tauhidi paradigm, implied practice and teaching of medicine as a
total holistic approach to the human in the social, psychological, material, & spiritual dimensions and not exclusively
dealing with particular diseases or organs. The selection of medical students, their training, and evaluation should emphasize
that medicine is a human service within the context of Islamic mutual social support,
takaful ijtimae. The physician must provide leadership
as a social activist who identifies and resolves underlying social causes of ill-health; as a respected opinion leader whose
moral values & attitudes are a model for others; and as an advisor on medical, legal, and ethical issues associated with
modern medical technology so that the patients and their families can reach an informed decision. The future physician must
be prepared to undertake research, a type of ijtihad,
to extend the frontiers of medical knowledge, applying available knowledge and improving the quality of life. Time allocated
to basic research methodological tools should be increased at the expense of accumulating biomedical scientific information
that is either forgotten or becomes obsolete by the time of graduation. The education and development of the physician before,
during, and after medical school should inculcate the motivation to excel in commitment,
ikhlas, and care delivery following the model of the early Muslim scientists and
7.1 Preparation of the curriculum: I realized that the process of Islamization of
medicine could only be achieved by training future doctors. In October 2005, I joined the newly formed Kulliyah of Medicine
in the International Islamic University Malaysia
with the determination to put the views of medicine developed over the years in the medical curriculum. A draft curriculum
was prepared and was approved by the University Senate. Some lecturers from the faculty of Islamic studies were not comfortable
with physicians treading on their territory and teaching Islam. To overcome skepticism then prevailing, actual teaching material
with Qur’anic and hadith sources was bound in a volume and was presented to the Senate.
The basic outline of the curriculum remained the same but changes were made whenever curriculum reviews were carried
out. The newly founded Faculty of Medicine at the International Islamic University situated at Kuantan on the East Coast of
Malaysia had the distinction to the best of my knowledge of being the first faculty in the Muslim world to formally teach
7.2 Start of Implementation: Medicine with embedded Islamic values was taught at
Kuantan from July 1997 to date. Credit for the success of the implementation belongs solely to Professor Tahir Azhar, the
founding dean of the Kulliyah of Medicine, who wholly believed in a new and untried approach and gave consistent unwavering
support over a whole decade. The implementation was made easier by the fact that we were dealing with a new medical school.
We therefore could afford to focus on developing detailed teaching material for the first year only. We prepared more material
as students moved on to the second, third, fourth, and fifth years.
7.3 Integration: The main motive of IIMC was integration to resolve the crisis of duality or dichotomy manifesting as teaching of Islamic
sciences separate from that of medical disciplines with different teachers and from different institutions. IIMC resolved
the crisis of duality by insisting that Islamic concepts should be taught by the same people who teach medical disciplines.
This required specific training of those lecturers to be able to handle the Islamic Input. IIMC besides integrating the teacher
and study material, also integrated the examinations. Questions on IIMC were embedded in all examinations of the Kulliyah.
IIMC also achieved integration of theory with practice with students being taught in a practical way how a patient can perform
acts of ‘ibadat. The Department of Orthopedics was the most successful in this endeavour.
7.4 Joint reading of 2 books: IIMC followed the Islamic paradigm of reading 2 books: the book of revelation, kitaab al wahy, and the book of empirical science, kitaab al kawn.
Both books contain signs of Allah, ayaat al llaah, and must be read together. It
is a mistake to read one of the books and neglect the other. The solution to the crisis of duality in the ummah starts from
joint reading of the 2 books, al jam ‘u baina al qira atain. Thus medical
scientists who are involved in IIMC read the signs in both books contemporaneously.
7.5 Two components of IIMC: IIMC had two separate but closely related components: Islamization and legal medicine. Islamization dealt with putting
medicine in an Islamic context in terms of epistemology, values, and attitudes. Legal medicine deals with issues of application
of the Law (fiqh) from a medical perspective.
7.6 Five objectives of IIMC:
The 5 main objectives of IIMC were: (a) introduction of Islamic paradigms and concepts
in general as they relate to medicine, mafahiim Islamiyat fi al Tibb. (b) Strengthening
faith, iman, through study of Allah’s sign in the human body (c) appreciating
and understanding the juridical, fiqh, aspects of health and disease, al fiqh
al tibbi. (d) Understanding the social issues in medical practice and research and (e) Professional etiquette, adab al tabiib, from the Islamic perspective.
7.7 Teaching material of IIMC: All through the past 12 years I worked
on the teaching materials for IIMC that would eventually be published as a textbook. I shared the materials with other medical
educators either directly or through the internet. The reluctance to print the materials was due to the desire to get the
full benefit of feedback from actual teaching of IIMC and this in hindsight proved a very prudent measure to take because
many major revisions had to be made. IIMC being an innovative product that still needed to be accepted should be presented
in a textbook that has been tried out and improved as much as possible. At the start the IIMC manual was titled ‘Muqaddimat al tibb: an Islamic introduction to the study of medicine’. In 2006
the title was changed to ‘Muqaddimat al ‘uluum: Islamic introduction
to the study of sciences’ after realizing that the manual, like the study of medicine, was interdisciplinary covering
basic biological and physical sciences, health sciences, and social sciences. A synopsis of the manual is available at http://omarkasule.tripod.com). A major revision is envisaged by the end of 2009. The manual is a
series of 18 manuscripts arranged in 5 main themes: Theme One: Asaasiyyaat (Fundamentals) 1: ‘aqiidat (creed);
2: usuul al shari’at (foundations of the law); 3. ‘ilm & ma’arifat (epistemology); 4. khalq (creation / cosmogony); 5.
taariikh al umam (world history); 6. taariikh al ummat (Muslim history); 7. al
tajdid & al islah (renewal and reform); Theme 2: Fiqh Al Uluum Al Tibiyyat,
(Basic Medical Sciences): 8. ‘ilm al hayaat (the science of life); 9. jism
al insan (the organism: structure & function); 10. fiqh al ‘aadaat (activities of daily living); Theme Three: Fiqh Al Tibaabat (Clinical
Sciences): 11. Akhlaaq Al Tibb (Ethics Of Medicine); 12. Fiqh Al Amraadh (Disease Conditions); 13: Fiqh Mustajiddaat
Al Tibb (Modern Medicine); Theme Four: Fiqh Al Jama’at (The Community): 14. Arkaan Wa Humuum Al Jama’at (Institutions And Concerns Of The Community); 15.
Fiqh Al Mu’amalaat (Transactions); Theme Five: Personal
Skills: 16. Al Takwiin Al Asaasi (Basic Formation): 17.: Qiyadat (Leadership);
18. Idaarat (Management)
7.8 Evaluation of IIMC: After graduating 5 batches of students we wanted to make
an evaluation of the products of the curriculum. A concept paper was prepared[58] but the actual data collection proved elusive
until today. A research project was carried out on ethico-legal knowledge by
students at UIA[59] and the results will be published subsequently.
7.9 Implementation of IIMC at the postgraduate level: After 10 years of teaching
undergraduates (1997-2007) a start was made in exploring Islamization at the postgraduate level in the field of epidemiology.
A course was taught in 2007 successfully with an Islamic epistemological introduction[60].
7.10 Implementation of IIMC at other schools of medicine
The start
was a year-long course on IIMC for lecturers at the University
of Malaya in 2002. Then a modified form of IIMC was adopted by the newly
founded medical school at the Islamic University of Science in Malaysia
starting in 2004. They took the matter seriously by appointing the most experienced IIMC lecturer from Kuantan, Associate
Professor Dr Ariff Othman, as their consultant on curriculum development. In late 2004 a lecturer, Dr Sagiran, from the faculty
of medicine Muhammadiyah University in Jogjakarta visited Kuantan and spent 1-2 weeks studying the implementation
of IIMC. As a result of his visit, In August 2005 a week-long training workshop
was held at the school of medicine of the Muhammadiyah University
in Jogjakarta, Indonesia.
I explained the concepts and methods of IIMC and provided teaching materials. Implementation of IIMC then started but there
were difficulties that had to be ironed out subsequently. The curriculum has also had an impact on 16 faculties of medicine
in Indonesia that integrated Islamic values
in their medical curricula and are members of the FOKI network (Indonesian acronym for Islamic Medical Forum). I attended
meetings of FOKI on a regular basis and also visited campuses of its member faculties. I have presented IIMC at medical faculties
in Nigeria, Bangladesh,
and Yaman with good response. Follow up will be needed before IIMC can also be adopted in actual teaching.
8.1 Lecturer training at Kuantan
I realized
quite early that the curriculum would not succeed unless there were medical lecturers trained and confident in its delivery.
At the Kulliyah of Medicine the training process was very hands-on. In the first academic year 1997-1998 I gave all the lectures
while other lecturers sat in the class. In subsequent years I started assigning specific lecturers to teach specific topics.
I made sure that I gave the lecturers as much support as possible in providing teaching material or discussing the sessions
before they appeared in front of the class. I also encouraged them to be innovative and not follow what I had provided. They
did very well and in the period of 8 years I came to learn a lot from their efforts and I transferred the knowledge acquired
to others. The process of empowering the lecturers was so successful that by the 2004-2005 academic years I was just a consultant
with almost all lectures being taught by others. At the end of that year I made the decision to leave the Kulliyah of Medicine
at Kuantan because my mission was complete and I needed to transfer my efforts elsewhere. I accepted the invitation to the
chair of Islamic medicine at the University of Brunei Darussalam. I however returned from time to time to follow up the work at Kuantan
and taught some classes to get a feel of how IIMC was performing[61-73].
8.2 Lecturer training at other schools of medicine
I also
turned my attention to train lecturers at other universities. In the course of one academic year 2002-2003 I held workshops
for lecturers at the Faculty of Medicine University of Malaya on various topics: the Islamic creed[74], the Islamic definition
of life and health[75], fundamentals of the Islamic Law[76], medical jurisprudence[77-78], and jurisprudence relating to biotechnology[79-80].
A new series on bioethics training was planned for 2009[81]. Lecturers were also trained in Indonesia[82].
9.1 Dissemination of IIMC by internet: It was a strategy adopted at the beginning
to make sure that all what I wrote on IIMC was available. I therefore at every opportunity available to me, wrote up my presentation
as a full length paper with references from the Qur’an and sunnat. All lectures on IIMC delivered were also written
up. A total of 1067 papers and lectures were published at the Islamic Medical Education Resources website (http://omarkasule.tripod.com) in the period 1995-2007. The papers have also been loaded at many websites
many of which are unknown to me. In order to disseminate the knowledge on a wider scale I allowed republication of my papers
in several media.
9.2 Book publication
on IIMC have been published as books in Bangladesh[83] and Indonesia[84-85]. Other collections are in the process of
being published.
9.3 Lectures, workshops, and conferences: The UIA experience was shared in papers
at many conferences and seminars in Malaysia[86-88], Indonesia[89-90], and Bangladesh[91-92].
We shared our approach with other medical educators[93-94]. I presented the new curriculum to medical audiences but also to
non-medical audiences[95] because Islamization was a theme for all disciplines of knowledge. I was also interested in values
that also run throughout all the sciences[96]. By the summer of 2007 I had decided to embark on a new initiative in Yaman
of working to help faculties of medicine improve their curricula[97], teaching[98], student assessment[99], management[100-101],
and quality[102-103] in addition to adopting the Islamic Input curriculum[104]. Towards the end of 2007 my thoughts were turning
to the idea of starting new medical schools that would use the IIMC de novo. I had discussions with people trying to set up
such schools in Kuwait and Saudi
It was
also clear to me that change would have to involve all health professionals and not only physicians. I therefore presented
papers on the nursing perspective: history of nursing in Islam[106], challenges to the nursing profession in the Muslim world[107],
issues in nursing education[108], motivation in the nursing profession[109], and professional conduct of a nurse[110]. Towards the end of 2007 I started a series of workshops on medical ethics for nurses[111].
ulama were an authority in Muslim societies and any viable change must have their approval or at least neutrality. I started
by studying patterns of medical fatwas issues in Brunei[112]
and other countries to understand the mind set of the ulama. It was with that in mind that I embarked on an experiment of
presenting ethico-legal concepts that I developed to the ulama starting with India.
I held workshops in various Indian cities: Hyderabad[113-114], Azamghar[115-122], Lucknow[123-127], and Patna[128-133].
10.1 Integrating Islamic values in the medical profession: I talked about the Islamic
perspective of medicine[134]. I also talked about integrating Islamic values in the medical curriculum[135-138] and medical
practice[139-140]. The paradigm of tauhid underlay all integration concepts.
10.2 Islamic concepts relating to basic sciences: The realization that atheistic
values were disseminated in teaching basic medical sciences prompted me to address several issues relating to basic medical
sciences from an Islamic perspective. Among the issues addressed were: creation of the earth[141], creation of the human[142],
human creation vs human evolution[143-144], the biological miracle of human creation[145]. I also addressed issues of treatment
modalities in Islam including prayer and spirituality and spiritual approaches to treatment[146]. Also addressed were psychological aspects such as treatment of anxiety from an Islamic perspective[147].
Basic sciences were also addressed such as teaching probability from an Islamic perspective[148]. In 2004 I presented a paper
on the balance between originality and modernity in medical jurisprudence[149]. The paper provided a conceptual context for
dealing with matters like understanding spiritual needs of patients[150] in relation to modern forms of medical therapy.
10.3 Islamic perspective of ethico-legal issues: The issue of ethics engaged my attention
because it would show the immediate utility of the curriculum by teaching shariat-based methods of resolving practical problems
in medical care. Using the tools of maqasid al shariat, qawaid al shariat and where
available texts, from the Qur’an and sunnat. I addressed most of the contemporary ethico-legal issues and provided a
conceptual basis for resolving ethical issues in medical decisions[151]. I addressed
the issues of changes in medical jurisprudence that required use of maqasid al shariat
in the modern era. I then worked on a major paper in which I formulated a derivation of medical ethics from maqasd al shariat and presented it in 2004 at a scientific meeting of the Federation of Islamic Medical Associations
in Amman in July 2004[152]. The paper was subsequently published[153].
It was presented at various forums in Malaysia[154-155], Nigeria[156-157], Indonesia[158], Kuala Lumpur[159], and the UK[160].
A companion paper on research ethics based on maqasid al shari’at was presented at the same conference[161]. The paper
was presented in a modified form in Indonesia[162].
A comparative study of Islamic and European ethical theories and principles reached the conclusion that the Islamic approach
was more robust, more practical, and more consistent[163]. Several papers on ethics from maqasid
al shari’at were presented in the UK[164], Indonesia[165], Bangladesh[166], India[167], Malaysia[168], Kuala
Lumpur[169], Turkey[170], and
Yaman[171]. I then addressed specific issues: Progeny [172-173], Assisted Reproduction [174], Euthanasia [175], Contraception
[176-177], Human Research [178], Suicide [179-180], Public
Health Research [181], Embalming, Cryopreservation, Autopsy, and Research on Dead Corpses [182], Protection, Preservation,
and Promotion of the Intellect [183], Sexual Crimes [184-185], Midwifery[186-187], saum with Diabetes Mellitus [188], Health benefits of saum [189-191].
10.4 The Islamic perspective of public health and health services delivery: The following
concepts in public health and services delivery were discussed from an Islamic perspective: moderation, balance, and just
equilibrium in preventive medicine based on the Qur’anic concepts of wasatiyyat,
mizan, & iitidaal [192], medical quality improvement [193-194], medical service delivery [195-196], benchmarking in
Islamic hospital practice [197], medical management [198], leadership and management [199], a critique of the biomedical model
from an Islamic perspective [200], and contrasting holistic medicine against practice based only on biomedicine [201].
10.5 Islamic perspectives of physician etiquette: The following concepts were discussed
from the Islamic perspective: physician human relations [202], concept of physician etiquette[201], physician etiquette with
patients and families [203], physician etiquette with the dying [205], physician etiquette in the health care team [206],
care for the terminally and the death process[207-208],
10.6 Professionalism: I presented the following papers on professionalism: motivated physician [209], professionalism
[210-211], being a Muslim doctor [212-213], physician leadership
[214], community involvement [215-216], commitment [217], spiritual development [218], training [219], definition of Muslim doctor [220], towards
a motivated medical student [221], leadership attributes and skills [222-223], and character building [224].
- Omar Hasan Kasule. Some Reflections
on Islam and Medicine. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Islamic
Medicine, International Medicine organization, Safat, Kuwait 1981.
- ---Islamic Medicine in Africa: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Islamic Medicine, Safat, Kuwait 1982.
- ---
The Islamic Medicine Movement In Africa: Paper Presented At The 18th Annual
Islamic Medical Association Convention, Capetown, South Africa, 25-27th April 1998. Source:
4. ---Reform
Of Medicine, Islaah Al Tibb: Outline For Discussion At A Workshop On Epistemology Held At Dhakka On September 1, 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Crisis of Knowledge: Paper Presented At A Medical Education Workshop
Held At The Faculty Of Medicine University
Of Science And Technology Sanaa Yaman 14-27 June 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Crisis Of Knowledge And Education: Presentation for postgraduate students at the Department of Social and Preventive Medicine Universiti
Malaya on Friday 13th July, 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Muslim Physician Education:
Indonesian Experience And New Challenges: Paper presented at a 1-day workshop on
the Muslim Physician Education held at the Yarsi University Faculty of Medicine on 5th May 2006. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Tajdid & Islaah:
Outline Of An Address To 3000 Students Of Dar Al Uluum Nadwat Al Ulama Lucknow India 0n
16th May 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Knowledge in Islam: Nature, Crisis, and Methodology. Lecture at Kampung Baru Medical
Center on 20th February 2004. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Nature Of Knowledge: Presentation for postgraduate students in the Department of Social and Preventive Medicine Faculty of Medicine University
of Malaya on 13th July 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---History Of Human Knowledge: Presentation for postgraduate students at the Department of Social and Preventive Medicine Universiti Malaya on Friday
13th July, 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Some Philosophical Concepts Relevant To Knowledge And
Its Sources: Presentation for postgraduate students at the Department of Social and
Preventive Medicine Universiti Malaya on Friday 13th July, 2007. Source:
- ---Methodology Of Knowledge: Presentation for postgraduate students at the Department of Social and Preventive Medicine Universiti Malaya on Friday
13th July, 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Islamic Perspective of Knowledge: Epistemology, Methodology, and Islamization. Paper at a workshop on ‘Methodology and Skills
to Develop Islamic Input in the Medical Cuirriculum’ for deans and academic staff of Muhammadiyah University Jogjakarta
5th and 7th August 2005. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Towards A Scientific Culture: Presentation for postgraduate students in the Department of Social and Preventive Medicine Faculty of Medicine University
of Malaya on 13th July 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---The
Empirical Scientific Method: An Islamic Reformulation. Paper at the International
Conference on Values And Attitudes In Science And Technology Kuala Lumpur
September 1996. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Strengths
And Weaknesses Of The Epidemiological Methodology: Seminar presentation at the Kulliyah
of Medicine, International Islamic University, Kuantan Malaysia,
June 19th 1999. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Epidemiologic
Methodology In Public Health: New Frontiers And Challenges: Paper presented at the
6th National Colloquium on Public Health under the theme ' Paving the Way for a Public Health Renaissance’
5-6th October 1999, Department of Community Health, University Kebangsaan Malaysia, Cheras, Kuala Lumpur. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Issues in Science and Technology:
The Islamic Solution. Paper at the International Seminar on Islam and the Challenges
of Science and Technology in the 21st Century held at the University of
Technology Malaysia in Johor Malaysia 7-9 September 2003. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Islamization of
Knowledge: Medicine as a Model: Paper presented at a Seminar on The Methodology of
Sciences from an Islamic Perspective held at the Faculty of Dar al Uloom and organized jointly by the Epistemology Institute,
the Faculty of Science Cairo University, and the Department of Philosophy Cairo University 23-26 April 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Tauhidic Paradigm in Medical Practice: Paper read at a dinner for chief
executive officers of private hospitals, senior state health directors, and deans of medical schools held at the Quality Inn
in Kuala Lumpur on Friday 14th April 2006. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com
- ---Towards
integrated medical and health education: An Islamic approach: Keynote paper at the Second Islamic Medical Science Week, held at Dewan Utama, Kampus Kesihatan,
Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kubang Kerian, Kelantan, Malaysia on 18th August 2002. Source:
- ---Integrated Medical Education: paper presented at a workshop on the
Education of a Muslim Physician held at the Yarsi University Faculty of Medicine Jakarta May 5, 2006. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Towards An Islamic Epistemology.
Paper Presented At A Seminar On Epistemology Held In Dhakka
On 1st September 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Research Priorities on Epistemology and Thought: Paper presented
at a workshop on epistemology held in Dhakka on 30-31st March 2007. Source:
- ---Overview of the
Epistemology and Thought Project: Paper Presented At A Workshop In Istanbul On 3rd May 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Research Priorities
On Epistemology And Thought: Paper presented at a consultative meeting on epistemology
and thought held in Jakarta on 4th August 2007.
Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Research Priorities
On Epistemology And Thought: Concept paper written for a series of intellectual seminars
in South East Asia in the year 2008. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Epistemology
Of Classical Islamic Disciplines: Outline For Discussion At A Workshop On Epistemology
Held At Dhakka On September 1, 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Epistemology
Of Disciplines Related To Finance: Outline For Discussion At A Workshop On Epistemology
Held At Dhakka On September 1, 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Epistemology
Of Disciplines Related To Public Life: Outline For Discussion At A Workshop On Epistemology
Held At Dhakka On September 1, 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Epistemology Of Social And Human Sciences: Outline For Discussion At A Workshop On Epistemology Held At
Dhakka On September 1, 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Reform Of Education,
Islah Al Tarbiyat: Outline For Discussion At A Workshop On Epistemology Held
At Dhakka On September 1, 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Reform Of Life Sciences, Islaah Al ‘Uluum Al Hayaatiyyat: Outline For Discussion At A Workshop On Epistemology Held At Dhakka
On September 1, 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Reform Of Physical Sciences: Outline For Discussion At A Workshop On Epistemology Held At Dhakka On September 1, 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Reform Of Social Sciences, Islaah Al ‘Uluum
Al Ijtima’iyyat: Outline For Discussion At A Workshop On Epistemology
Held At Dhakka On September 1, 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Islamization of the Curriculum: presentation at the Ta’aruf and
Intellectual Discourse XX programme held at Guoman, Port Dickson , NS 26-31 December 2002. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Islamization of the Curriculum: Panel discussion at the 22nd Ta’aruf and Discourse program held at Corus Paradise Resort, Port Dickson
on 18th October 2003. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Islamization of the Curriculum:
a panel discussion at the 25th Ta’arif and Intellectual Discourse
on 8th April 2005 held at the Century Mahkota Hotel Malaka. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Islamization
of Curricula: paper presented in Kuwait
19-24 December 2005. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Islamic
Medicine: Concept & Misunderstandings. Paper Presented at the International Islamic
Medicine Conference in Kuala Lumpur July 09-14,1995. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Islamic Medicine, mafhum al tibb al islami: Paper Presented at the Annual Health Islamic
Conference held at Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia Jl Salemba Raya No 6 Jakarta
Pusat held on 3-5 February 2006 and organized jointly by Forum Ukhuwah Lembaga Dakwah Facultas Kedoketran se-Indonesia and
Forum Studi Islam Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia.
Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- --- Concept Of Islamic Medicine Int. Med J Vol 4 No 1 June 2005. Source: www.e-imj.com.
- --- Islamic Medicine: Concepts and Misunderstandings. Journal of the Federation of Islamic Medical Associations Vol.
1 No. 1 July 1996, page 33-56
- ---The Approach of
the Qur’an and Sunnah in Medicine: The Challenge and Practice in the Era of Globalization: Ibn Sina keynote address
at the 4th Universiti Malaya Medical Center Conference on Medicine from the Islamic Perspective held at the Saujana
Subang Malaysia on 24th March
2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---The Approach of
the Qur’an and Sunnah in Medicine: Challenges and Practice in the Era of Globalization: Paper at Dhakka on 30th
March 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ----Prophetic Medicine: Between the nass (original sources of Islam) and empirical
experience. In: Prophetic Medicine, Al Tibb Al-Nabawi. Islamic Medical Association
of South Africa, Qualbert 2000
- ---Prophetic
Medicine: Between The Nass And Empirical Experience: Paper presented in absentia at the 3rd International Seminar on the 'Medical Curriculum: The
Holistic Approach’ 19-21 February 1999, at Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan, Cheras, Malaysia jointly sponsored by the Islamic Medical Association of Malaysia (PPIM), Federation of Islamic Medical
Associations (FIMA), and the International Islamic University, Malaysia. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Prophetic
Medicine, tibb nabawi. Paper written for
the Scientific and Islamic Medicine Seminar at Diponegro University Semaran Java Tengah Indonesia 8th October 2006. Source:
- ---Guidance On Prophetic Medicine,
Tibb Nabawi, For A Primary Health Care Practitioner: Presentation to Master of Primary Health Care Class at the Institute of Medicine Universiti Brunei
Darussalam on July 6, 2006. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Towards a Broader
Definition of Prophetic Medicine Based on Contemporary Bio-Medical Research, Nahwa
I’itibaar Awsa’u Li Mafhuum Al Tibb Al Nabawi I’itimaadan ‘Ala Al Iktishaafaat Al Tibiyyat Al Mu’aasirat:
research paper. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Teaching An Expanded Definition Of Prophetic Medicine
Based On Contemporary Medical Knowledge: Paper presented at Musolla Al Zahrawi Universiti Antarabangsa Kuantan Malaysia on 2nd November 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Concepts
Of Islamic Medical Education. Paper at 4th Annual General Meeting Of The Islamic
Medical Association Kuban Kerian, Kelantan 7th June 1996. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Issues in Medical Education. Paper at Hospital Universiti Malaysia
Cheras on 18th July 2003. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Concepts of Medical Education
and Practices: Islamic Perspective. Paper at the Mesra
Ibadat program organized by Hospital Universiti Sians Malaysia Kubang Kerian on February 21, 2005 at Renaissance Hotel Kota
Bharu Kelantan. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Islamic Medical Education: Purpose, Integration, And Balance: Paper presented at the Islamic Medical Education
Workshop held in conjunction with the 3rd Federation of Islamic Medical Associations (FIMA) Scientific Convention
held in Jogjakarta Indonesia
on 21st July 2006. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Leading In Medical Education And Practice As Social Engineering: The Oral Contraceptive
Pill And The Sexual Revolution: Paper presented at the 8th Annual Conference of the Islamic Medical Association
of Malaysia held at Kota Baru on July 1-3 2006. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Methodology Of Evaluating
The Islamic Input Curriculum: Paper presented at the Workshop on the Islamic Input
Curriculum at the Kulliyah of Medicine International Islamic University Kuantan on 13th June 2006. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Assessing Ethico-Legal
Knowledge and Attitudes of Medical Students: Opinion written for a research project at UIA
February 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Teaching Postgraduate Epidemiology with an Islamic Epistemological
Introduction: Presented at the Epidemiology Unit University
of Malaya on 9th March 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Physician Etiquette: Presentation to 3rd
year medical students at the Kulliyah of Medicine International Islamic University, Kuantan,
Malaysia on 13th June 2006. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Fiqh Tibbi: Ethico-Legal Guidelines For Students
In Clinical Training: Presentation for students of the Health Sciences Campus UIA Kuantan on 14th July 2007.
Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Medical Ethics:
Theory & Principles: Presentation at the Kulliyah of Medicine UIA Kuantan on Saturday 20th July 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Medical Privacy and Confidentiality: Presentation to
3rd year medical students at the Kulliyah of Medicine International Islamic University, Kuantan, Malaysia on 14th July
2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Principles Of
The Law, qawaid al fiqh: Presentation for year 3 medical students at the Kulliyah
of Medicine UIA Kuantan on Saturday 20th July 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Professional Misconduct:
Presentation for year 3 medical students at the Kulliyah of Medicine UIA Kuantan on 20th July 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Purposes Of The Law, maqasid
al shari’at: Presentation for Year 3 medical students at the Kulliyah of Medicine UIA Kuantan on Saturday 20th
July 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Regulations Of
Physician Conduct, dhawaabit al tabiib: Presentation for year 3 medical students at the Kulliyah of Medicine UIA
Kuantan on Saturday 20th July 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Regulations On
Medical And Surgical Treatment: Presentation for Year 3 medical students at the Kulliyah of Medicine UIA Kuantan on Saturday
20th July 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Research: Theory,
Practice, And Policy: Presentationfor year 3 medical students at the Kulliyah of Medicine UIA Kuantan on Saturday 20th
July 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Sources Of The
Law, masadir al shariat: Presentationfor Year 3 medical students at the Kulliyah of Medicine UIA Kuantan on Saturday
20th July 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
---The Law: An Over-View: Presentation for Year 3 students Kulliyah
of Medicine UIA Kuantan on Saturday 20th July 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Tauhidic
Paradigm In Medical Practice: Presentation to medical students by Dr Omar Hasan Kasule Sr. at Surau al Zahrawi Kulliyah
of Medicine UIA Kuantan on Friday 13th July 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---The creed. Paper presented at a seminar for academic staff of the Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya on 29th June
2002. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Life and Health. Paper presented at a seminar for academic staff of the Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya on 26th January
2002. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- --- Fundamentals of the Law. Paper presented at a seminar for academic staff of
the Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya on 23rd March 2002. Source:
http://omarkasule.tripod.com. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- --- Medical jurisprudence I.
Paper presented at a seminar
for academic staff of the Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya on 29th June 2002. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Medical jurisprudence II. Paper presented at a seminar for academic staff of the Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya
on 29th June 2002. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Biotech jurisprudence II: Paper presented at a seminar for academic staff of the Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya
on 27th July 2002. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Biotech jurisprudence I: Paper presented at seminar for academic staff of the Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya on
24th August 2002. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Outline of a Course
on Bio-Ethics from an Islamic Perspective for Academic Staff at The Faculty of Medicine
University of Malaya: Paper presented at the
Department of Social and Preventive Medicine University Malaya on 09th March 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Training Lecturers Of The Islamic Input Into The Medical
Curriculum: Presented at the Faculties of Medicine Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogjakarta and Indonesia Islamic University Yogjakarta on Friday 3rd August 2007. Source:
- ---Ethics in Medical Education and Practices. August
2007. ISBN 9164-70103-DDDD-D. Published by BIIT No 50 Road No 16 Dhanmondi Dhaka-1209. Cover design by Nazrul Islam Badal.
Printed by Chowkash Printers Ltd 131 DIT Extension Road Fakirapool Dhaka-1000 (196 pages).
- --- Towards Islamic Medicine (August 2007) lecture notes edited by Dr. H Sagiran and M Badul Ghoni Published by the Islamic Medicine
Forum of Indonesia and Printed by Grafina Design and Printing Jl Sulawesi no 7c Ourwosari Ring Road Utara Yogyakarta 55284
Indonesia. (208 pages).
- ---Chapter 2 in Evolution Toward better Ummah Through
Islamic Integrated Medical Curriculum (IIMC) edited by Sagiran, Edwyn Saleh, Supriyatiningsih, Nurul Qomariyah, Dirwan
Suryo Soularto. Published by the Center for Islamic Medicine Faculty of Medicine
University Muhammadiyah Jalan Lingkar Barat Tamantirto Kasihan Bantul Yogyakarta
Indonesia MUY August 2005. Printed by
Percetakan CV AQSHA Jalan Bibis No 78 Kembaran Tamantirto kasihan bantul Yogyakarta 55183.
- ---Islamization And Integration Of Knowledge In The Kulliyah Of Medicine, IIUM. Paper presented at TIDE program, IIUM Gombak Campus on 3rd April 2003. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---The Islamic Input Curriculum (IIC) At The Kulliyah Of Medicine. Presented at the 24th Ta’aruf And
Intellectual Discourse held at Admiral Marina & Leisure Club, Port Dickson, NS on 5th June 2004. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- --- Overview Of The Islamic
Input In The Medical Curriculum (IIMC) At The Kulliyah Of Medicine In The 2004/2005 Academic Year: Paper presented at the Workshop on the Islamic Input Curriculum at the
Kulliyah of Medicine, UIA Kuantan on 13th June 2006. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- --- Islamization Of The Curriculum: The Islamic Input In The Medical Curriculum (IIMC) At The Kulliyah Of Medicine: Paper Presented the Annual Health Islamic Conference held at Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia
Jl Salemba Raya No 6 Jakarta Pusat held on 3-5 February 2006 and organized jointly by Forum Ukhuwah Lembaga Dakwah Facultas
Kedoketran se-Indonesia and Forum Studi Islam Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia. Source:
- ---
Medical Education: An Islamic Perspective: Paper Presented At A Workshop On Islamic Medical Education Organized By The Indonesian Islamic Medical Education Convention
At The Faculty Of Medicine Makassar Indonesia
25-27 May 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- --- Islamization of the
Curriculum: The Islamic Input in the Medical Curriculum (IIMC) at the Kulliyah of Medicine: Paper presented at the Ibn Sina Medical College Dhakka Bangladesh on 31st March 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- --- The Islamic Input
In The Medical Curriculum (IIMC): Outline of a presentation at a Workshop on the Islamic Input in the Medical Curriculum
held at the Bangladesh Institute of Advanced Managament Dhakka on 31st August 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- --- The Teaching of Bio-ethics at UIA. Paper presented at a workshop on 'Teaching of Bio-ethics and Communication Skills in Medical Education- A Malaysian
Model' organized by the School of Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kuban Kerian, Kelantan 26-27th May
1999. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---The
Teaching of Communication Skills at UIA. Paper presented at a workshop on 'Teaching
of Bio-ethics and Communication Skills in Medical Education- A Malaysian Model' organized by the School of Medical Sciences,
Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kuban Kerian, Kelantan 26-27th May 1999. Source:
- --- Islamization
of Knowledge: Medicine as a Model.. Abstract in Proceedings of the 12th
International Conference on Islamic Philosophy: Science Cirricula from the Islamic Perspective. Conference jointly organized
on 7-9 Rabi Akhir 1428H and 24-26 April 2007 at Cairo
University by the Faculty of Science
Cairo University, Faculty of Dar al Uluum Cairo University,
and the Epistemology Studies Institute of Cairo. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Values
And Attitudes In Science And Technology. Paper presented at The Malaysian Institutions
Program Seminar on Islamization of Knowledge Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,
Johor Bahru January 4-5, 1997. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Check List for
Reviewing an Undergraduate Medical Curriculum: Presented At A Medical Education Workshop Held At The Faculty Of Medicine University
Of Science And Technology Sanaa Yaman 14-27 June 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Teaching And Learning
Methods In An Integrated Undergraduate Medical Curriculum: Paper Presented At A Medical Education Workshop Held At The
Faculty Of Medicine University
Of Science And Technology Sanaa, Yaman 14-27 June 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Assessment Methods
for Integrated Undergraduate Medical Education: Paper Presented At A Medical Education Workshop Held At The Faculty Of
Medicine University
Of Science And Technology Sanaa Yaman 14-27 June 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Annual Report
of Academic Staff Activities: Presented At A Medical Education Workshop Held At The Faculty Of Medicine University Of Science And Technology
Sanaa Yaman 14-27 June 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Contents of an
Undergraduate Medicine Program Handbook: Paper Presented At A Medical Education Workshop Held At The Faculty Of Medicine University
Of Science And Technology Sanaa, Yaman 14-27 June 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Quality Assurance
in Medical Education: Paper Presented At A Medical Education Workshop Held At The Faculty Of Medicine University Of Science And Technology
Sanaa Yaman 14-27 June 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Documentation
Needed for an Accreditation/Evaluation Visit of an Undergraduate Medical Curriculum: Paper Presented At A Medical Education
Workshop Held At The Faculty Of Medicine University
Of Science And Technology Sanaa Yaman 14-27 June 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Mapping an Integrated
Undergraduate Medical Education Curriculum: Paper Presented At A Medical Education Workshop Held At The Faculty Of Medicine University
Of Science And Technology Sanaa Yaman 14-27 June 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Some Preliminary Ideas ‘Thinking Aloud’
About The New Medical School As: concept paper submitted to the steering committee on 19th December 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Historical
Roots Of The Nursing Profession In Islam: Paper Presented At The 3rd International
Nursing Conference "Empowerment And Health: An Agenda For Nurses In The 21st Century" Held In Brunei Dar As Salam 1st-4th November 1998. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---The
Nursing Profession In The Muslim World: Prospects & Challenges In The 21st Century:
Paper Presented At The 3rd International Nursing Conference "Empowerment And Health: An Agenda For Nurses In The
21st Century" Held In Brunei
Dar As Salam 1-4 November 1998. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- --- Issues in Nursing and Medical Education. Abstract
in Proceedings of the 6th International Nursing Conference held in Brunei Darussalam 10-13th October
page 30 2004. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- --- Motivation in The Nursing Profession: An Islamic Perspective: Paper presented at the 4th
International Nursing Conference held in Brunei
19-22 November 2000. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- --- The Nurse’s Professional Conduct From An Islamic Perspective:
Paper presented at the 4th International Nursing Conference held in Brunei
19-22 November 2000. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Medical Ethics: workshop for nurses at Kuala
Belait General Hospital on 21 November 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Patterns and Trends of Religious Edicts (Fatwa Mufti Kerajaan & Irsyad
Hukum) on Medical Matters in Brunei
Darussalam 1962-2005: Paper presented at the 2nd Academic Session Institute of Medicine University Brunei Darussalam
11-12 March 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- --- Jurisprudence
Of Disease Conditions, fiqh al amraadh: Paper presented at a workshop on Ijtihad
Maqasidi organized by the Fiqh Academy of India at Hyderabad
03-04 February 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---The Legal and
Ethical Basis of Medical Practice: Paper presented at a Workshop on Use of Ijtihad Maqasidi for Contemporary Ethico-Legal
Problems in Medicine organized by the Fiqh Academy of India at Hyderabad 03-04 February 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Contemporary-Ethico-Legal
Issues From an Islamic Legal Perspective: Expert opinion presented to the 16th Session of the Fiqh Academy
of India held at Jamia Islamia darul Uloom Muhazzabpur Azamghar near Varanasi India on April 01-02, 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Ethico-Legal Issues
Relating To Artificial Life Support: Expert opinion presented to the 16th Session of the Fiqh Academy of India
held at Jamia Islamia darul Uloom Muhazzabpur Azamghar near Varanasi India on 01-02 April 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Ethico-Legal Aspects Of Euthanasia And Physician Assisted Suicide: Expert opinion presented to the 16th
Session of the Fiqh Academy of India held at Jamia Islamia Darul Uloom Muhazzabpur Azamghar near Varanasi India on 01-02 April
2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Islamic Legal Guidelines on Polio Vaccination in India: Expert
opinion presented to the 16th Session of the Fiqh Academy of India held at Jamia Islamia darul Uloom Muhazzabpur
Azamghar near Varanasi India
on 01-02 April 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Response to Questions on Brain Death from the Fiqh Academy
of India: Expert opinion presented to the 16th Session of
the Fiqh Academy of India held at Jamia Islamia darul Uloom Muhazzabpur Azamghar near Varanasi
India on 01-02 April 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Response to Questions on Euthanasia from the Fiqh Academy
of India: Expert opinion presented to the 16th Session of
the Fiqh Academy of India held at Jamia Islamia darul Uloom Muhazzabpur Azamghar near Varanasi
India on 01-02 April 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Towards a Legal
Definition of Death: Expert opinion presented to the 16th Session of the Fiqh Academy
of India held at Jamia Islamia darul Uloom Muhazzabpur Azamghar near Varanasi
India on 01-02 April 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Ethico-Legal
Aspects Of Euthanasia And Physician Assisted Suicide: Expert opinion presented to the 16th Session of the Fiqh
Academy of India held at Jamia Islamia Darul Uloom Muhazzabpur Azamghar near Varanasi India on 01st April 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Derivation Of Professional Medical Ethics From Maqasid Al Shari’at And Qawa’id Al Shari”At,
Istinbaat Mabadi Akhlaaqiyyaat Al Mihnat Al Tibbiyyat Min Maqasid Al Shari’at Wa Qawa’id Al Fiqh: Paper Presented
At A Conference Of Muslim Jurists Held At Lucknow 15-17 May
2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Impact of Medical Technology on Public Morality: The Oral Contraceptive Pill as an Example, Athar Al Taqniyat Al Tibbiyyat ‘Ala Al Akhlaaq Al Mujtama’e 0705-Paper
Presented At The Conference Of Muslim Jurists Held At Lucknow
Uttar Pradesh 15-17 May 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Application of Maqasid al Shari’at and Qawa’id al Fiqh to Issues of Embalming, Cryoprservation, Autopsy,
and Research on Dead Corpses, Maqasid Wa Qawa’id Al Shari’at Fi Qadhaayat
Tata’akllaqu Bi Juthat Al Mayyit: Paper Presented At A Conference Of Muslim Jurists Held At Lucknow 15-17 May 2007.
Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Derivation Of Legal Rulings On In Vitro Fertilization From The Purposes Of The Law (istinbaat ahkaam al talqiih al istina’e al khariji min maqasid al shari’at): Presented at the Training
Workshop for Judges and Jurists held at Patna Bihar India on 7-8 July 2007 at the Higher Institute for Training Judges and
Jurists a division of the Law Directorate for the States of Bihar, Orissa, and Jarkhand .
Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Derivation Of Legal Rulings On In Vitro Fertilization From The Purposes Of The Law (istinbaat ahkaam al talqiih al istina’e al khariji min maqasid al shari’at): Presented at the Training
Workshop for Judges and Jurists held at Patna Bihar India on 7-8 July 2007 at the Higher Institute for Training Judges and
Jurists a division of the Law Directorate for the States of Bihar, Orissa, and Jarkhand. Source:
- ---Contemporary-Ethico-Legal Issues From An Islamic Legal Perspective: Presented at the Training Workshop for Judges
and Jurists held at Patna Bihar India
on 7-8 July 2007 at the Higher Institute for Training Judges and Jurists a division of the Law Directorate for the States
of Bihar, Orissa, and Jarkhand. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Contraception: The Islamic Perspective: Presented at the Training Workshop for Judges and Jurists held at Patna
Bihar India on 7-8 July 2007 at the Higher
Institute for Training Judges and Jurists a division of the Law Directorate for the States of Bihar, Orissa, and Jarkhand.
Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Ethico-Legal Issues Relating To Artificial Life Support: Presented at the Training Workshop for Judges and Jurists
held at Patna Bihar India on 7-8 July
2007 at the Higher Institute for Training Judges and Jurists a division of the Law Directorate for the States of Bihar, Orissa,
and Jarkhand. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Preservation
Of Progeny: A Medical Perspective (maqsad hifdh al nasl: al mandhuur al tibbi): Presented at the Training Workshop
for Judges and Jurists held at Patna Bihar India on 7-8 July 2007 at the Higher Institute for Training Judges and Jurists
a division of the Law Directorate for the States of Bihar, Orissa, and Jarkhand. Source:
- ---Social And Religious Dimensions Of ‘Unwanted Pregnancy’: An Islamic Perspective: Presented at the
Training Workshop for Judges and Jurists held at Patna Bihar India on 7-8 July 2007 at the Higher Institute for Training Judges
and Jurists a division of the Law Directorate for the States of Bihar, Orissa, and Jarkhand. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Towards A Legal Definition Of Death: Presented at the Training Workshop for Judges and Jurists held at Patna Bihar
India on 7-8 July 2007 at the Higher Institute for Training Judges and Jurists a division of the Law Directorate for the States
of Bihar, Orissa, and Jarkhand. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- --- Islamic Perspective in Medicine. Paper presented at an Ibadah camp held at Indera Mahkota on 4th February 2001. Source:
- ---Integrating Islamic Values In The Medical Curriculum: Paper presented at the Regional Conference on Medical Management from an Islamic Perspective organized by the University
of Malaya Medical Center 18th-20th September 2000 at the Summit Hotel, Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Integrating Islamic Values Into the Medical Curriculum –
the UIA Experience: Presentation
at a Retreat on Islamic Values in Medicine organized by the Medical Center of the University of Malaya
on 30th June 2001 at Awana Resort, Genting Highlands, Pahang. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Integration
Of The Islamic Input In The Medical Curriculum: Paper presented at a Workshop on the Integration of Islamic Input
in the Medical Curriculum held at the Faculty of Medicine Yarsi University Jakarta Indonesia on 2nd June 2006. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Integration of Islamic Values in the Medical
Curriculum: Paper presented at Bayero University
Faculty of Medicine Kano Nigeria on 17th
September 2006. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Islamic
Values: the Lost Jewel: Paper presented at a seminar on Islamic Practice in Hospital
Administration organized by the Islamic Hospital Consortium Malaysia at
Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
on 15th April 2006. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- --- Islamic Values: the Missing Jewel in the Medical Profession: Paper presented at workshops on medical ethics
and Islamic medical education at campuses in England
06-31 December 2006. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- --- Creation of the earth: Paper presented at a seminar organized by Saba Islamic Media at Kuala Lumpur on 8th September 2002. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- --- Creation of the human: Paper
presented at a seminar organized by Saba Islamic Media at Shah Alam on 11th October 2002. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---
Human creation vs theory of evolution: Paper presented at a seminar organized by
Saba Islamic Media at Kota Kinabalu on 20th October
2002. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- --- Human creation vs theory of evolution: Paper presented at a seminar organized by Saba Islamic
Media at Kuching on 19th October 2002. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- --- The biological miracle of human creation: Paper presented at a seminar on the Signs of the
Creator organized by Saba Islamic Media at Hyatt Regency in Kuantan on 21st September 2002. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Prayers And Spirituality In Health.
Presentation at the Faculty of Pharmacy, IIUM on 26th June 2003. Source:
- ---Cognitive And Spiritual Approches In Patient-Centered Counseling For
Anxiety: Presentation For The Class Of Msc Primary Health Care On July 13th, 2006. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- --- Islamic Perspectives In The
Teaching Of Probability To Medical Students: Paper Presented at the 5th National Conference on Medical Sciences,
4-5 May 1999 organized by the School of Medicine,
Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kota Bharu, Kelantan,
Malaysia. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- --- Understanding Spiritual Needs Of Patients.
Lecture For 1st Year Nursing Students At Indera Mahkota Campus On 24th June 2004`. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Medical Jurisprudence between Originality
and Modernity. Paper prepared for the 6th Scientific Meeting of
the Islamic Medical Association of Malaysia held at Penang 28-29th May 2004. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com
- --- The Conceptual Basis For Resolving Ethical Controversies In Medical Decisions. Paper presented at a seminar on medical ethics at the National Heart Institute, Kuala Lumpur on 30th April 2004. Source:
- --- Derivation of Medical Ethics from Maqasid al Shari’at. Paper prepared for the International Scientific Convention jointly organized by the Jordan Society
for Islamic Medical Studies, The Jordan Medical Association, and the Federation of Islamic Medical Associations at Amman, Jordan 15-17
July 2004. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- --- Medical Ethics From Maqasid Al Shari’at.
Int. Med J. Vol. 3 No. 2 Dec 2004
- ---
The Application of Maqasid al Shari’at in Medical Practice: Paper presented at a workshop for physicians held at Kampung Baru Medical Center
in Kuala Lumpur on 2nd September 2006. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---
Islamic Medical Ethics with Special Reference to Maqasid Al Shari’at: Paper presented at Kampung Baru Medical Center Kuala Lumpur on Saturday 13th January 2007.
Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---- Medical Ethics from Maqasid al Shari’at: Presented to a seminar held at Bayero University Faculty of Medicine Kano Nigeria on 17th September 2006. Source:
- --- Medical Ethics from Maqasid al Shari’at: Presented to a seminar at Ahmadu
Bello University Faculty of Medicine Zaria Nigeria
on 17th September 2006. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- --- Ethico-Legal
Aspects Of Clinical Practice According To Islamic Law [Kedokteran Klinik / Terapan Menurut Syari’at Islam]: Presented
at a seminar on the implementation of Islamic values in medical faculty curricula held at the Faculty of Medicine and Health
Sciences Syarif Hidayatullah Islamic University Jakarta 16-18 November 2007. Source:
- ---Theory and Practice of Medical Ethics: Paper
presented at Training Program for Physicians at Wisma Mawar Kampung Baru
Medical Center on 28th
September 2002. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---. Medical Ethics from Maqasid Al Shari’at:
Paper presented at workshops on medical ethics at campuses in England
09-31 December 2006. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com
- ---The
Ethics and Etiquette of Human Research. Paper prepared for the International Scientific
Convention jointly organized by the Jordan Society for Islamic Medical Studies, The Jordan Medical Association, and the Federation
of Islamic Medical Associations at Amman, Jordan
15-17 July 2004. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- --- Biomedical Research Ethics According To Islamic Law [Etika Penelitian Biomedik Menurut Syari’at Islam]: Presented at a seminar on the implementation of Islamic values in medical faculty curricula held at
the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Syarif Hidayatullah Islamic University Jakarta 16-18 November 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Philosophy Of Medical Ethics: A Comparative Study Of Islamic And European Perspectives: Presented At A Workshop
On The Implementation Of Islamic Values In Medical Education In Indonesia
Held At The Faculty Of Medicine Islamic University Malang Indonesia On 8th -9th September 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Contemporary-Ethico-Legal Issues From An Islamic Legal Perspective: Paper presented at workshops on medical ethics
at various campuses in England 09-31 December
2006. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---.
Application Of Islamic Values In Clinical Teaching: Presented At A Workshop
On The Implementation Of Islamic Values In Medical Education In Indonesia
Held At The Faculty Of Medicine Islamic University Malang Indonesia On 8th -9th September 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- --- Contemporary-Ethico-Legal Issues From an Islamic Legal Perspective: Paper presented at a workshop on ethics for
physicians held at the Bangladesh Institute of Advanced Management Dhaka Bangladesh on 30st March 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- --- Contemporary-Ethico-Legal Issues From An Islamic Legal Perspective: Paper presented at a Workshop on Use of Ijtihad Maqasidi for Contemporary Ethico-Legal Problems in
Medicine organized by the Fiqh Academy of India at Hyderabad
03-04 February 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- --- Response To Ethico-Legal
Questions: Written for a student workshop on ethics held at the Kulliyah of Medicine
UIA Kuantan on 6th January 2008. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com
- ---. Jurisprudence of biotechnology (fiqh al taqniyat al hayawiyat): Paper presented at Kampung Baru
Medical Center Wisma Mawar, Kuala Lumpur, on 26th
October 2002. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com
- ----Contemporary-Ethico-Legal
Issues From An Islamic Legal Perspective. Paper presented at a seminar for Turkish
Physicians at Topkapi Eresin Hotel Conference Room Istanbul on Friday 22nd December 2006 at 20.00hrs. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Contemporary-Ethico-Legal Issues from an Islamic Legal Perspective: Paper Presented
At A Medical Education Workshop Held At The Faculty Of Medicine
University Of Science And Technology Sanaa Yaman 14-27 June 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Preservation of Progeny: A Medical Perspective (maqsad hifdh al nasl: al mandhuur al tibbi). Paper presented
at an International Seminar “Geneology and Preservation of the Progeny – Islamic Perspective” jointly organized
by the Institute for Islamic Understanding Malaysia and the Universiti Institut Teknologi Malaysia at Shah Alam on 27-28th
April 2004. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- --- A Medical Perspective on
Preservation of the Progeny’ chapter 5 in: Shaikh Mohd Saifuddeen and Shaikh
Mohd Salleh (eds.): Geneology and Preservation of the Progeny: an Islamic Perspective. MPH Group Publishing Sdn Bhd Kuala
Lumpur 2006 ISBN983-42884-4-1.
- --- Assisted Reproduction: An Islamic Perspective. Paper presented at the 6th International Nursing Conference
held in Brunei Darussalam 10-13th October 2004. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Rulings on Euthanasia from the Perspective
of Purposes of the Law (Maqasid Al Shari’at) and Principles of The Law (Qawa’id Al Shari’at). Chapter in the 2005 Year Book of the Federation
of Islamic Medical Associations.
- ---Contraception:
an Islamic Perspective. Paper accepted for the 3rd Safe Motherhood Congress organized at Crown Princess Hotel
Kuala Lumpur 25th-27th February 2005 by the Malaysian Association for Maternal and Neonatal Health.
Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---. Contraception: the Islamic Perspective. Int. Med J Vol. 4 No. 1 June 2005.
Source: www.e-imj.com.
- --- Ethics and Etiquette Of Human Research. Int. Med J.
Vol. 3 No. 2 Dec 2004. Source: www.e-imj.com.
- --- Prevention Of Suicide: An Islamic Perspective.
Paper Presented At The 4th Kuala Lumpur Mental
Health Conference 2004 Held Under The Theme ‘Mental Health Of The Nation – The Way Forward’ On 6-8th
September 2004 At Prince Hotel Kuala Lumpur. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- --- Prevention of Suicide: An
Islamic Perspective. Int. Med J. Vol. 3 No. 2 Dec 2004
- ---Ethical Issues in Public Health Research. Paper
presented at the 11th National Public Health Colloqium held on 21-22 September 2004 at The Summit Hotel Subang
and organized by the Department of Community Medicine National University of Malaysia, the Malaysian Public Health Specialist
Association, and the College of Public
Health Medicine of the National Academy of Medicine, Malaysia. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---An
Islamic Ethico-Legal Perspective on Embalming, Cryopreservation, Autopsy, and Research on Dead Corpses: Paper presented at the 8th Annual Conference of the Islamic Medical Association of Malaysia held at Kota
Baru on July 1-3, 2006. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Protection, Preservation, and Promotion of the Intellect, Hifdh Al ‘Aql: Paper presented at a Symposium on Protection of
the ‘Aql held at the Kulliyah of Medicine International Islamic University Kuantan. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com
- ---Sexual
Crimes: Islamic Perspective. Paper presented at the 8th Family Medicine
Scientific Meeting organized by the Malaysian Family Medicine Specialist Association at the Swiss Garden Hotel Kuantan 7th
– 10th July 2004. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- --- Sexual Crimes: Islamic Perspective. Int. Med J. Vol. 3 No. 2 Dec 2004. Source; www.e-imj.com
- --- Ethical and Legal Issues in Midwifery: An Islamic Perspective’:
Proceedings of the Fifth International Nursing Conference Brunei Darussalam 2002 pages 219-220.
- ---‘Ethical and Legal Issues in Midwifery: An Islamic Perspective’: Paper presented at the 5th International Nursing Conference ‘Nursing
and Midwifery-Making a Difference’ Brunei Darussalam 28th-31st October 2002. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Puasa with Diabetes Mellitus: Paper presented at a Diabetes Care Group Meeting held at the Multi-purpose Hall Block B, Suri Seri Begawan Hospital Kuala
Belait Brunei on Tuesday 12th
September 2006. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com
- ---Health
benefits of saum: Paper presented at the Second Universiti Malaya Medical Center Conference on Medicine from the Islamic Perspective held
at Sheraton Subang on 11-13 October 2002. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- --- Health benefits of saum: Tadhkirat at
the Kulliyah of Medicine, International Islamic University, Kuantan on 9th November 2002. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- --- Saum: Benefits And Medical Aspects. Lecture Given At The
University Of Brunei
Darussalam On 14th October 2004. Source:
- ---Moderation,
Balance, and Just Equilibrium in Preventive Medicine. In: Abu Bakar Abdul Majeed
(ed.): Perubatan Pencegah Menurut Islam. IKIM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 1999. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---
Medical Quality Improvement: Islamic Principles and Approaches. Presentation at a
meeting of The Islamic Medical Association Of Malaysia October 1996 Kuala Lumpur Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com..
- ---Quality Assurance Practice In Health Care.
Paper presented at a seminar on Quality Assurance held at the Ministry of Health Headquarters in Kuala Lumpur on 14th June 1997. Source:
- Current Medical Service: an Islamic Perspective. In: Abu Bakar Yang and Abu Bakar Abd. Majeed (eds.): Konsep & Operasi
Perubatan Islam.IKIM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- ---Current Medical Services: Islamic Perspective. Paper presented at the Seminar
on Islamic Medicine: Concept and Operation held at the Institute of Islamic Understanding (IKIM) Kuala Lumpur 17-18 June 1997. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Benchmarking In Islamic Hospital
Practice: Paper presented at the Islamic Hospital Management Workshop held in conjunction
with the 3rd Federation of Islamic Medical Associations (FIMA) Scientific Convention held in Jogjakarta
Indonesia on 21st July 2006.
Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- --- Medical management: Islamic perspectives: Paper presented at the Hospital
Tengku Azfan, Kuantan on 26th September 2002. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Leadership
and Management by The Book. Paper written for the Workshop on ‘Is our Current
Hospital Practice Islamic Enough: Ideals and Realities’ organized by the Islamic Hospital Consortium of Malaysia at
El Azhar Camp, Morib, Selangor 2nd - 4th July 2004. Source:
- --- A Critique of the Biomedical Model from an Islamic Perspective.
Int. Med. J. Vol. 3 No. 2. December 2003. Republished in the Federation of Islamic Medical Associations Year Book 2003.
- --- Holistic
vs Biomedicine: Paper presented at Training Program for Physicians at Kuala Lumpur International Hotel 24th
August 2002. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com
- --- Physician Ethics: Etiquette of Human Relations. Paper presented at UKM Faculty of Medicine on 3rd July 1997. Source:
- --- Introduction to Physician Etiquette: Paper presented at Kampung Baru Medical Center Wisma Mawar 28th December 2002. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com
- ----
Physician Etiquette with Patients and Families: Paper presented at the Pediatric
Institute of Hospital Kuala Lumpur on 17th January 2003. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---- Physician Etiquette with
the Dying: Paper presented at the Pediatric Institute, Hospital Kuala Lumpur 21st
February 2003. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---- Physician Etiquette in the Health Care Team: Paper presented at Kampung Baru Medical
Center on 28th March 2003. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---- Care For The Terminally-Ill:
The Islamic Perspective: Presented at the 2nd National Palliative Care
Conference 24-27 March 1999 Penang, Malaysia.
Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Islamic
Perspective On The Death Process In Terminal Cancer Patients: Poster at the Palliative Care Session of the 4th
International Conference of the Asian Clinical Oncology Society held in Bali,
Indonesia 4-7 August 1999. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- --- Motivation of Doctors. Paper at Kampung Baru Medical Center
on 20th June 2003. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Professionalism in Medical Practice: Paper
Presented at the Annual Health Islamic Conference held at Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia Jl Salemba Raya No 6
Jakarta Pusat held on 3-5 February 2006 and organized jointly by Forum Ukhuwah Lembaga Dakwah
Facultas Kedoketran se-Indonesia and Forum Studi Islam Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia.
Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Medicine
as a Profession: Presented at a MINI
MEDICAL SCHOOL for High School
students held on Sunday 25th June 2006 at Dewan Cancelor Universiti Brunei Darussalam. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Four Dimensions Of
Being A Muslim Doctor. Written for the memorial journal of the 5th year
student graduating class of 2003. May 2003. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---The Concept Of A Muslim Doctor:
Outline of a presentation to medical students and academic staff at the Northern International College of Medicine and
Hospital Dhakka on 31st August 2007. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- --- Medical Practitioners as Leaders: Myth or Reality. Paper presented at the 5th National Scientific
Meeting of the Islamic Medical Association of Malaysia held on 29th June 2003 at Allson Klana, Seremban. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com
- ---The Medical Profession Beyond Treatment. Paper presented to the freshman class Faculty of Medicine, National University of Malaysia on 9th June 2003. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.
- ---Medics And Paramedics
As Da’ie: Paper presented at the Friendly Comparative Religion Program organized
by the Nuqaba Management Secretariat and the Student Development and Co-Curricular Activity Center on 24th-25th
April 2004 at the Kulliyah of Medicine, International Islamic University, Malaysia. Source:
- ---Ikhlaas
& Niyyat In Work. Motivational
Lecture to staff of Kampung Baru Medical Center Kuala Lumpur on 18th July 2003. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com
- ---Spiritual Development. Paper at Kampung Baru
Medical Center on 22nd
August 2003. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com
- ---Training
of Excellent Medical Professionals. Paper presented at a Symposium for Medical Students
organized by the Medical Students Association at the Faculty of Medicine, National University of Malaysia on 25th
July 2004. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com
- ---Definition
of A Muslim Doctor: Presented at a Workshop on Islamic Medical Education organized by the Faculty of Medicine Universitas
Muhammadiyah Jogjakarta and the Forum of Islamic Medicine (FOKI – Forum ke dokteran Islam) at Jogjakarta on 24-25th August 2007. Source:
- ---Towards A Motivated Medical Student: Presented to freshmen students of the Faculty of Medicine Indonesia Islamic
University Yogyakarta, Indonesia on Friday 7th September 2007. Source:
- ---Diseases Of Leaders
And Followers: Lecture for 5th year students by Professor Omar Hasan Kasule Sr. at the Kulliyah of Medicine
UIA Kuantan Malaysia on November 3, 2007.
Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com
- ---Leadership Skills Module: Background material at a postgraduate leadership workshop
held at the Institute of Medicine Universiti
Brunei Darussalam on 20th November 2007. Source:
- ---Character Building: Prepared presented in absentia at the 3rd International Seminar on 'Medical Curriculum:
The Holistic Approach' organized jointly by the Islamic Medical Association of Malaysia.
The Federation of Islamic Medical Associations, and the International Islamic University, Malaysia at Hospital Universiti
Kebangsaan, Cheras, Malaysia
19-21 February 1999. Source: http://omarkasule.tripod.com.