The menstrual flow may be prolonged in association with menorrhaghia and without
it. The Law considers 15 days the maximum duration of the menstrual flow. Salat and puasa are suspended during this time.
Salat and other acts of ibadat are resumed if the flow continues beyond 15 days.
Dysfunctional uterine bleeding occurs around adolescence or around the menopause.
Menstrual flows are irregular and ovulation is absent. It is due to poor LH response to rising estrogen levels in girls and
low estrogen rise in menopausal women. It is treated using estrogen-progesterone
hormone combinations.
Prolonged bleeding, istihaadhat,
is not considered menstruation [1]. Intermittent vaginal discharge is also not a problem [2]. DUB does not stop the woman
from salat or fasting. It is treated as urinary incontinence. The woman washes her vagina and perineum, pads herself, makes
wudhu and prays immediately to try to avoid being caught by more bleeding. Sexual
relations are allowed in DUB unless there is a medical contra-indication [3].
Dysmenorrhea refers to painful uterine contractions before or during the menstrual
flow. Uterine contractions to expel the menstrual flow may be painful especially in young women who have not been pregnant
before. The severe pain of dysmenorrhea may interfere with ibadat and civil obligations. The pain of primary dysmenorrhea
may be due to uterine prostaglandin release that increases the strength of uterine contractions and constricts blood vessels.
Secondary dysmenorrhea is caused by genital obstruction, infections, or neoplasms.
This is a psychological disorder in which cerebral impulses are generated to
stimulate the hypothalamus with consequent increase in secretion of LH and prolactin. This leads to appearance of typical
symptoms of pregnancy.