Each hospital
should have written guidelines on initiating, withholding, and withdrawing life support, conventional treatment, nutrition
and hydration. The guidelines should specify what to do in cases of brain stem death and higher brain. In the presence of
guidelines, the attending physicians will then have only the task of ascertaining the clinical and laboratory evidence before
taking the necessary action. In cases of doubt and if there is time, 3 trusted specialist physicians should be consulted about
the interpretation of the guidelines and the clinical and laboratory evidence. They should also be consulted if there are
no written guidelines in the hospital. If there is doubt it is better to take the more conservative course of initiating and
continuing the measures.
life support can be obligatory (waajib), recommended (manduub), or undesirable (makruh). Initiating life support is waajib if there is net benefit to the patient. It is manduub if the
benefit may be temporary and the patient will eventually succumb. In practical terms this means that life support can be started
only for patients with intact brain stem function with a reasonable chance of recovery. It would be makruh to initiate life support for any reason not related to the patient’s medical condition such keeping
the patient ‘alive’ to give time for organ harvesting or to delay declaration of legal death for personal or public
Withholding life support may be permitted (jaiz),
offensive (makruh), or prohibited (haram).
Withholding life support is jaiz if there is clinical and laboratory evidence that
it will produce no nett benefit to the patient. This helps avoid the later problems of withdrawal because withholding is psychologically
easier than withdrawing. Under the Law the distinction between the withholding and withdrawal is minor because the intention
and the consequences are the same. In practical terms life support should be withdrawn in cases of brain stem death. It should
also be withdrawn in cases of imminent death to avoid waste of resources. It is makruh
to withhold life support on the basis of poverty or advanced age of the patient. It is haram
to withhold life support on the basis of discrimination according to race, caste, religion, or political beliefs. Life support
cannot be withheld from an infant born with severe congenital disease on the grounds that even it survives it will not lead
a normal life. The ruling on withholding life support for a persistently vegetative patient requires further discussion.
life support can be permitted (jaiz) or prohibited (haram). Life support withdrawal is jaiz in case of clear death. If
the brain stem is dead continuing life support is a waste of resources. Withdrawal of life support in such a case will free
an intensive care bed for the next needy person. Withdrawing life support from a patient with a functioning brain stem on
the basis of sparing him further pain and suffering is euthanasia and is clearly haram.