Human skills in leader-follower interaction
and understanding followers
by followers
and respect for followers
good treatment, and forgiveness
must be liked by followers
by people is indication leader is good
must be accessible
Human skills of leaders
Attributes of followers
Respecting and understanding followers: Good leaders show concern, respect, and consideration
for followers. Followers reciprocate by showing loyalty. Good and mutually-beneficial leader-follower relationships can not
be sustained without loyalty. Good leaders have well developed human skills. They understands those below him as unique individuals
and not in a generic sense. They will deal with each person in an individualized and unique way. The great secret of leadership
is to be able to tap into the potential of each individual and make him a peak performer, each in his individual and unique
way. You must realize that individuals are unique and have God-given talents and potentials to make them productive and useful
contributors to the organization. They respect followers each in his uniqueness. Good and effective leaders have a firm belief
in people.
Humane behaviour. They have compassion and empathy. They have high consideration
for others. They have no pride and are like their followers not seeking to be different or superior to them. They are lenient
and forgiving. They treat their followers well. They protect the followers from both physical and emotional hurt
Representing followers: Representing followers and their interests infront of others
takes a lot of the leader’s time. It is however a mistake for the leader to consider himself a mouthpiece for the followers
just transmitting their messages without checking and making sure that the message is appropriate. The leader must lead and
help the followers articulate their interests and then represent them. In a symbolic way a leader represents followers and
has to be careful about his image and behavior because all these reflect on the followers.
Love by followers: A leader will succeed if loved by the followers. Love by followers
is like an emotional savings account. The better the leader treats followers, the more the deposit into the account. Sometimes
the leader may make mistakes or things may not work out well. That is when the savings account comes into use. Withdrawals
can be made from it to cover the defect. If the account is big, a big withdrawal will not lead to immediate bankruptcy. A
small account will be overdrawn quickly exposing both the leader and followers to an ugly confrontation. In most cases love
by followers indicates good leadership. In exceptional cases bad leaders who do not set standards may be loved by lazy followers
who just want to be left alone.
Empathy and respect for followers: Strain not thine eyes, ( Wistfully ) at what We
have bestowed on certain classes. Of them, nor grieve over them: But lower your wings ( in gentleness ) to the believers.
Qur'an 5:88 … And lower your wing to the believers who follow you. Qur'an 26:215 … Now has come unto you a Messenger
from amongst yourselves: it grieves him that you should perish: ardently anxious is he over you: to the Believers is he most
kind and merciful.Qur'an 9:128 … 'Abd Allah b. 'Umar said that he was sent
with a detachment of the Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him). The people wheeled round in flight. He said: I was one
of those who wheeled round in flight. When we stopped, we said (i.e. thought): How should we do ? We have run away from the
battlefield and deserve Allah's wrath. They we said (thought): Let us enter Medina,
stay there, and go there while no one sees us. So we entered (Medina)
and thought: If we present our ourselves before the Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him), and if there is a chance of
repentance for us, we shall stay; if there is something else, we shall go away. So we sat down (waiting) for the Apostle of
Allah (may peace be upon him) before the dawn prayer. When he came out, we stood up to him and said: We are the ones who have
fled. He turned to us and said: No, you are the ones who return to fight after wheeling away. We then approached and kissed
hiss hand, and he said: I am the main body of the Muslims. Abu Daud 2:731-732, Chapter 952, Hadith # 2641
Leniency, good treatment, and forgiveness: "The messenger of Allah ( may peace be
upon him ) has been reported by Anas b. Malik to have said: show leniency; do not be jealous; give solace and do not create
aversion". Muslim 3: 944, Chapter 706, Hadith # 4300 …. The prophet said
"Aisha be lenient for leniency makes a thing decorated and when it is removed from a thing it makes it defective". Abu Daud
2:685, Chapter 848, Hadith # 2471 … “Narrated Anas : The Prophet ( may peace be upon him ) said, " Facilitate things to people ( concerning religious matters ) and do not make it hard for them
and give them good tidings and do not make them run away from Islam". Bukhari 1:60, hadith # 69 …. "Rafi b Makith who
accompanied the Prophet ( may peace be upon him ) at al-Hudaibiyyah reported the Prophet ( may peace be upon him ) as saying:
Treating those under one's authority well produces prosperity, but an evil nature produces evil fortune". Abu Daud 3:1426,
Chapter 1842, Hadith # 5143 … "Narrated Abu Burda that his father said,
The Prophet sent Muadh and Abu Musa to Yemen telling them, Treat the people with ease and don't be hard on them; give them
glad tidings and don't fill them with aversion, love each other, and don't differ". Bukhari 4:171, hadith # 275 …. "Anas said : I served the Prophet ( may peace be upon him ) at Medina for ten years. I was a boy. Every work that I did was not according to the desire
of my master, but he never said to me: Fie, nor did he say to me: Why did you do this? or Why did you not do this". Abu Daud
3:1338, Chapter 1709, hadith # 4756 …. "Abd Allah b Umar said: A man came to the Prophet ( may peace be upon him ) and
asked: Apostle of Allah! how often shall I forgive a servant? He gave no reply, so the man repeated what he had said, but
he still kept silence. When he asked a third time, he replied: Forgive him seventy times daily.". Abu Daud 3:1427, Chapter
1847, Hadith #5145 …. "It has been reported on the authority of Abd al-Rahman b. Shumasa who said: I came to Aisha to
inquire something from her. She said: From which people are you? I said: I am from the people of Egypt. She said: What was the behavior of your governor towards you in this war
of yours? I said: We did not experience anything bad from him. If the camel of a man from us died, he would bestow on him
a camel. If any one of us lost his slave, he would give him a slave. If anybody was in need of the basic necessities of life,
he would provide them with provisions. She said: Behold! the treatment that was meted out to my brother, Muhammad b. Abu Bakr,
does not prevent me from telling you what I heard from the Messenger of Allah ( may peace be upon him ). He said in this house
of mine: O God, who ( happens to ) acquire some kind of control over the affairs of my people and is hard upon them be you
hard upon him, and who ( happens to ) acquire some kind of control over the affairs of my people and is kind to them be you
kind to him". Muslim 3: 1016, Chapter 758, Hadith # 4494 … "Narrated Abdullah: I saw the Prophet ( may peace be upon
him ) talking about one of the prophets whose nation had beaten him and caused him to bleed, while he was cleaning the blood
off his face and saying, " O Allah! forgive my nation, for they have no knowledge". Bukhari 4:454, hadith # 683
Leader's consideration: shorten prayer for the weak: "Narrated Abu Masud: A man came
and said, " O Allah's Apostle ! By Allah, I keep away from the morning prayer only because so and so prolongs the prayer when
he leads us in." The narrator said, " I never saw Allah's Apostle more furious in giving advice than he was at that time.
He then said, " some of you make people dislike good deeds ( the prayer ). So whoever among you leads the people in prayer
should shorten it because among them are the weak, the old and the needy". Bukhari 1:379, hadith # 670 … Narrated Abu Burda that the Prophet sent his (i.e. Abu Burda's) grand father,'Abu Musa and Mu'adh
to Yemen and said to both of them "Facilitate things for the people (be kind and lenient) and do not make things difficult
(for people), and give them good tidings, and do not repulse them and both of you should obey each other.". Bukhari 5:443,
hadith # 632 ….Narrated Jabir bin 'Abdullah Al-Ansari: Once a man was driving two Nadihas (camels used for agricultural
purposes) and night had fallen. He found Mu'adh praying so he made his camel kneel and joined Mu'adh in the prayer. The latter
recited Surat "Al-Baqara" or Surat
"AnNisa", (so) the man left the prayer and went away. When he came to know that Mu'adh had criticized him, he went to the
Prophet and complained against Mu'adh. The Prophet said thrice "O Mu'adh! Are you putting the people to trial?" It would have
been better if you had recited "sabbih isma rabbika al a'la", wa al shamshi wa dhuhaha', or "wa al lail idha yaghsha", for
the old, the weak and the needy pray behind you.". Bukhari 1:380, hadith # 673
Leader must be liked by followers: "Ibn Umar reported the Apostle of Allah ( may
peace be upon him ) as saying" There are three types of people whose prayer is not accepted by Allah: One who goes in front
of people when they do not like him; a man who comes dibaran, which means that he comes to it too late; and a man who takes
into slavery on emancipated male or female slave". Abu Daud 1:156, Hadith #593
Love by people is indication leader is good: Suhail b. Abi Salih reported: We were
in Arafa that there happened to pass Umar b. Abd al Aziz and he was the Amir of Hajj. People stood up in order to catch a
glimpse of him. I said to my father: Father, I think that Allah loves Umar b. Abd al-Aziz. He said: How is it? I said: It
is because of the love in people's heart for him. Thereupon he said: By One who created your father, I heard Abu Huraira narrating
from Allah's messenger ( may peace be upon him ) a hadith like one transmitted on the authority of Suhail". Muslim 4: 1386,
Chapter 1097, Hadith # 6375
Leader must be accessible: “Abu Maryam al Azdi said: When I entered upon Muawiyah,
he said: How good your visit is to us, O father of so and so. This is an idiom used by Arabs ( on such occasions ). I said:
I tell you a tradition which I heard ( from the Prophet ). I heard the Apostle of Allah ( may peace be upon him ) say: If
Allah puts anyone in the position of authority over the affairs of the Muslims, and he secludes himself ( from them ) not
fulfilling their needs, wants, and poverty, Allah will keep Himself away from him, not fulfilling his need, want and poverty.
He said: He ( Muawiyah ) appointed a man to fulfil the needs of the people". Abu Daud 2:832-833, Chapter 1101, hadith # 2942
1-3 sentences on what you understand by each of the following human attributes of leaders:
in people, tact, compassion, empathy, enthusiasm, showing concern, tolerance, being supportive, keeping good company, trusting
others, loyalty, helpfulness, impartiality, inspiring others, charisma, accessibility, respect for others, gentility, ability
to inspire other, ability to motivate, ability to encourage, ability to direct, equitable, praising success, confronting failure,
thanking people for good work, politeness.
from the Qur'an and sunnah illustrations of the following follower attributes:
by reward/punishment
of the leader with followers
with the public
from the environment
and coaching
Followers part of leadership situation
and correction
on followers
and personality cult
and private spheres
is protector
of leaders
to obedience
has responsibility
for authority
comforts followers in times of despair:
must maintain public moral standards
disloyal people not to be appointed
should not be cruel
of followers
Omar accessible
Leadership Functions
Functions Of Leaders
Functions Of Followers
Leadership Activities
Of Leaders:
Communication Styles Of Various Types Of Leaders
Active leadership: A leader must lead. The leadership function can not be 100% delegated.
The leader should not turn into a follower of the followers, that would be abdicating responsibility.
Leadership functions: Depending on the situation a leader may play one of the following
roles/functions: (a) Clarification of vision, goals, objectives for the organization and the followers (b) Making decisions
without which there is no movement (c) Strategic and tactical Planning (d) Training, coaching, and delegating (e) Solving
problems so that they do not remain as a time-bomb (f) Coordinating and integration to ensure unity of command, of purpose,
and of direction (g) Representation of the organization and followers outside and protecting their interests (h) Managing
and resolving conflicts so that the group may hold together (i) Motivation of followers to be productive (j) Tasking by determining
who will do what when and how (k) Maintaining positive and smooth working relationships with peers, superiors, and followers
(l) Participation and not being aloof (m) Evaluation of self and of followers so that renewal and correction may be possible (n) Forming groups, coaching and delegating (o) Communication, the most important
function of leadership.
Problem-solving: You should be able to identify and resolve organizational problems.
Look at each situation from different vantage points. A management solution may contradict an equally valid leadership solution.
Reconciliation between the two requires much understanding and wisdom.
Communication of the leader with followers: Communication competence is an essential
leadership skill because leadership is human interaction. Leaders must have the capacity to use symbols to create reality.
These symbols are necessary to move followers to strive toward a vision, reach goals and purposes. The leader must have an
agenda to lead well. Parts of the agenda must be communicated whereas some should be kept confidential. Since leaders are
by definition able to see visions farther than followers, they must have the twin ability to communicate those visions effectively
to motivate the followers. The vision communicated outside must be the same as that communicated internally. A leader could
communicate a baseline of low expectations at the start. This will enhance the impact of later achievements. care must be
taken not to make the expectations so low that there is demotivation. Leader communication must be sincere and high on the
moral scale. Communicating false images and boosting the leader's ego are not acceptable. It is better for the leader to produce
quality work before trying to get media attention.
Communication with the public: Try to get into the right publications and to educate
the reporters about your organization. The leader should use the mass media to get goodwill for the organization. All credit
should be for the organization and not the leader. The leader should be humble but should not confuse his personal humility
with that of the organization. The organization should have a high profile. In dealing with the media, a decision should be
made whether a high or a low profile will be maintained. Each has advantages and disadvantages. A leader may have to be silent
sometimes in order to buy time and get the chance to reconsider issues. You may also want to let the heat of the moment pass
before committing yourself. A leader should be a good and motivating public speaker. If too busy use a speech writer. Choose
speaking opportunities actively and initiate the invitation process. Do not wait to be invited. Whenever you speak make sure
there is solid content.
Intra-organisational communication: A leader can hold a group together as long as
intra-group communication is efficient. There should ideally exist no communication gap between the top leadership and the
rank-and file. Group failure starts with communication failure. Communication problems are complicated in a decentralized
organization. The leader must read widely to be able to know what is going on inside and outside the organization. He must
be able to identify micro and mega trends. He must know what followers know and what they are thinking about.
Communication technology: Modern communication technology has placed new challenges
on leaders. There is too much information and it is transmitted too rapidly. Information overload is a real problem. An effective
leader will rise above the information clutter. He knows how to reach the people he wants despite the clutter. Clutter can
be made use of when the leader deliberately wants to be vague. It is however unethical for the leader to create such clutter.
He can only benefit from it when it exists. Communication technology has greatly increased the speed of events by compressing
time. If you do not handle your communication well, efficiently and effectively, you will be overtaken by events. One way
to manage is to be pro-active. Get your message out quickly. Control the information agenda. Have contingency plans. The leader's
communication competence is put to a severe test in a crisis. A crisis presents both a danger and an opportunity as far as
communication is concerned. The atmosphere of heightened tension increases receptivity of messages. Swift response and giving
information builds credibility and demonstrates mastery over the situation.
Motivation: Effective leaders motivate followers to excel. Motivation reduces the
need for close control and supervision. Motivation in a decentralized organization requires special and advanced communication
skills. Positive motivation is more effective than negative one. The leader will motivate his followers if he treats them
equally. He should not show any favoritism.
Learning from the environment: Effective leaders monitor and learn from the environment.
They benefit from opportunities that exist and try to avoid dangers. A leader must have a good sense of timing so that actions
and interventions have maximum impact and advantage.
Delegation and coaching: Effective leaders delegate work to others. They will motivate,
coach and monitor because delegation is not abdication.
Teams: Effective leaders know how to form work-teams and coordinate their activities
for maximum productivity. They will anticipate and resolve intra-group and inter-group conflicts.
Time management: The leader must manage time well. He should focus on issues. He
must balance commitments taking into account the long-term and short term interests of the organization. Time management must
be flexible and do not become a slave of your calendar. Always leave flex time as a blank in your calendar.
Followers part of leadership situation: Followers play an important functions in
a leadership situation. It is a mistake to consider them passive spectators. It is unfortunate that books of history record
only what the leaders did and ignore the more important contributions of the followers.
Obedience: Leaders must be obeyed otherwise there is no point in leadership. It is
better to replace a leader than to disobey his commands. There are limits and conditions to the obedience. The leader can
not compel followers to do evil. The followers can not withhold obedience to a just order just because they have a different
Advice and correction: Followers must advise and correct the leader. It is incumbent
on the leader to listen and accept advice. Advice from followers is facilitated by creating an atmosphere devoid of fear.
The leader must give the followers license to question. This enhances their creativity.
Feed-back: Good, genuine and continous feed-back is required of both leaders and
followers. The following are characteristics of good effective feed-back: direct, specific, descriptive, timely, and flexible. Feed-back should include both the negative
and the positive. Neither the leader or the follower should use feed-back for blaming or embarassing others.
Reliance on followers: Leader must rely on and use staff work
Loyalty: Follower loyalty is very important for success of leadership. This is loyalty
to the position and not the person of the leader. The leader must reciprocate this loyalty by being committed to the followers
and not abandoning them or exposing them to danger.
Praise and personality cult: Followers may make false praise. A good leader sees
through this and avoids it. He discourages praise and development of a personality cult.
Public and private spheres: A leader in the exercise of his functions must distinguish
between the personal and official roles. Acting in the official role may involve doing things contrary to what you would do
in private and vice versa. However no immoral acts can be accepted on the excuse that they are required by the official position.
It is better in such a case to resign than compromise your values.
Leader is protector: "Narrated Abu Huraira that he heard Allah's Apostle saying,
We are the last but will be the foremost ( to enter Paradise ). The Prophet added, He who
obeys me, obeys Allah, and he who disobeys me, disobeys Allah. He who obeys the chief, obeys me, and he who disobeys the chief,
disobeys me. The Imam is like a shelter for whose safety the Muslims should fight and where they should seek protection. If
the Imam orders people with righteousness and rules justly, them he will be rewarded for that, and if he does the opposite,
he will be responsible for that". Bukhari 4:128-129, hadith # 204
Obedience of leaders: O ou who believe ! Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger, and
those charged with authority among you. If you differ in anything among yourselves, refer it to Allah and his Messenger, If you do believe in Allah and the Last Day: That is the best, and most suitable
for final determination. Qur'an 4:59 … Say: Obey Allah and His Messenger":
but if they turn back Allah loves not those who reject Faith. Qur'an 3:32 … And
obey Allah and the Messenger; that you may obtain mercy. Qur'an 3:132 …O you who believe! Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger,
and those charged with authority among you. If you differ in anything among yourselves, refer it to Allah and His Messenger,
if you do believe in Allah and the Last Day: that is best, and most suitable
for final determination. Qur'an 4:59 … The Prophet said, " Listen and obey ( your chief ) even if an Ethiopian whose
head is like a raisin were made your chief"
1:375, hadith #662 … "It has been narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah ( may peace be
upon him ) said: It is obligatory for you to listen to the ruler and obey him adversity and prosperity, in pleasure and displeasure,
and even when another person is given ( rather undue ) preference over you". Muslim 3:1021, Chapter 761, Hadith # 4524 … "Abu Hurairah reported.the Apostle of Allah ( may peace be upon him ) as saying: a
man who prevents a traveller from the excess water which he has with him; and a man who swears for the goods ( for sale )
after the afternoon prayer, that is, ( he swears ) falsely; and a man who takes the oath of allegiance to a ruler ( imam );
if he gives him ( something ), he fulfills ( the oath of allegiance ) to him; if he does not give him ( anything ) he does
not fulfil it.". Abu Daud 2:989, Chapter 1307, Hadith # 3467 … "Narrated Ibn Abbas : The Verse:- Obey Allah and obey
the Apostle and those of you ( Muslims ) who are in authority;...(4:59) was revealed in connection with Abdullah bin Hudafa
bin Qais bin Adi when the Prophet appointed him as the commander of a Sariyya ( army detachments)". Bukhari 6:89, hadith #
Limits to obedience: "Narrated Ibn Umar : The Prophet said, " It is obligatory for
one to listen to and obey (the ruler's orders) unless these orders involve one in Disobedience ( to Allah ): but if an act
of Disobedience (to Allah) is imposed, one should not listen to or obey it" Bukhari 4:128, hadith # 203 …. "There is
no obedience in matters involving disobedience to Allah; obedience is in matters which are good and are universally recognized"
Abu Daud 2:726 Chapter 942, Hadith # 2619 … It has been narrated on the authority of 'Ali who said: The Messenger of
Allah (may peace be upon him) sent an expedition and appointed over the Mujahids a man from the Ansar. (While making the appointment),
he ordered that his word should be listened to and obeyed. They made him angry in a matter. He said: Collect for me dry wood.
They collected it for him. Then he said: Kindle a fire. They kindled (the fire). Then he said: Didn't the Messenger of Allah
(may peace be upon him) order you to listen to me and obey (my orders)? They said: Yes. He said: Enter the fire. The narrator
says: (At this), they began to look at one another and said: We fled from The fire to (find refuge with) the Messenger of
Allah (may peace be upon him) (and now you order us to enter it). They stood quiet until his anger cooled down and the fire
went out. When they returned, they Related the incident to the Messenger of Allah (may Pease be upon him). He said: If they
had entered it, they would not have come out. Obedience (to the commander) is obligatory only in what it good". Muslim 3:1022,
Chapter 761, Hadith # 4536 … Narrated 'Ali: The Prophet sent a Sariya under
the command of a man from the Ansar and ordered the soldiers to obey him. He (i.e. the commander) became angry and said, "Didn't
the Prophet order you to obey me" They replied, "Yes." He said, "Collect fire wood for me." So they collected it. He said,
"Make a fire." When they made it, he said, "Enter it (i.e. the fire)." So they intended to do that and started holding each
other and saying," We have run towards (i.e. taken refuge with) the Prophet from the fire." They kept on saying that till
the fire was extinguished and the anger of the commander abated. When that news reached the Prophet he said, "If they had
entered it (i.e the fire), they would not have come out of it till the Day of Resurrection. Obedience (to some body) is required
when he enjoins what is good.". Bukhari 5:441, hadith # 629
Leader has responsibility: "Abu Huraira reported the Apostle of Allah ( may peace
be upon him) as saying: The imam is responsible and the muaddhin is trusted. O Allah, guide the imams and forgive the muaddhins".
Abu Daud 1:136, Hadith # 517
Respect for authority: "Hazrat Abu Badr...dishonored by Allah(Tirmizi). Riyadh 1:371, hadith # 673
Leader comforts followers in times of despair: "Omar said to the defeated remnants
from the Jisr debacle ( Do not grieve O Muslims I am your party and you have only retreated to me". Tabari 11:194
Leader must maintain public moral standards: Hadrat Abu Bakr ( Rad ) said, " When
the people commit sinful acts openly and the people have means and power of checking them and still do not check them, then
Allah sends calamities upon them and does not remove those calamities." . Hayat 2:721
Potentially disloyal people not to be appointed: Abu Ja'far-Ibn Humayd-Salamah-Ibn
Ishaq-'Abdallah b. Abu Bakr. The reason for Abu Bakr's removal of Khalid b. Sa'id was that Khalid b. Said, on coming from
Yemen after the death of the Messenger
of God, held back for two months from rendering the oath of allegiance to him. Khalid would say, "The Messenger of Gods gave
me a command and did not remove me after that until God took him." Khalid had met 'Ali b. Al Talib and 'Uthman b. 'Affan and
said, "O Banu 'Abd Manaf, you have willingly renounced your [right to] command; others have taken it up." As for Abu Bakr,
he did not hold it against him, but, as for Umar, he harbored a secret grudge against him on account of it. Then Abu Bakr
sent the troops forth to Syria. The first
man he put in command of a division of them was Khalid b. Said. But Umar took to saying, "Are you in to put him in command
even though he has done what he has done and has said what he has said? " He kept on about it with Abu Bakr until the latter
dismissed him and appointed Yazid b. Abi Sufyan to command. Tabari 11:74-75
Leader encourages followers to correct him: "Ibn Umar said: The Prophet ( may peace
be upon him ) prayed and recited the Qur'an in it. He was then confused in it ( in his recitation ). When he finished ( his
prayer ) he said to Ubayy ( b. Kaab ): Did you pray along with us ? He said: Yes. He said: What prevented you ( from correcting
me)." Abu Daud 1:231, Chapter 315, Hadith # 907
Leader should not be cruel: "It has been narrated on the authority of Hasan that
Aidh b. Amr who was one of the Companions of the Messenger of Allah ( may peace be upon him ) called on Ubaidullah b. Ziyad
and said ( to him ): O my son, I have heard the Messenger of Allah ( may peace be upon him ) say; The worst of guardians is
the cruel ruler. Beware of being one of them. Ubaidullah said ( to him out of arrogance ): Sit you down. You are from the
chaff of the Companions of Muhammad ( may peace be upon him ). Aidh said: Was there worthless chaff among them? Such worthless
chaff appeared after them and among other people". Muslim 3:1018, Chapter 759, Hadith # 4504
Duties of followers: "It has been narrated on the authority of Ubada who learnt the
tradition from his father who in turn, learned it from his own father. Ubada's grandfather said The Messenger of Allah ( may
peace be upon him ) took an oath of allegiance from us on our listening to and obeying the orders of our commander in adversity
and prosperity, in pleasure and displeasure ( and even when somebody is given preference over us, on our avoiding to dispute
the delegation of powers to a person deemed to be a fit recipient hereof ( in the eye of one who delegates it and on our telling
the truth in whatever position we be without fearing in the matter of Allah the reproach of the reproacher.". Muslim 3:1023,
Chapter 761, Hadith # 4538 … Followers obliged according to capacity: "It has been narrated on the authority of Abdullah
b. Umar who said: We used to take oath to the Messenger of Allah ( may peace be upon him ) that we would listen to and obey
his orders. He would tell us ( to say in the oath): As far as it lies in my power" Muslim 3: 1040, Chapter 775, Hadith # 4604
Omar accessible: “According to Muhammad : I stayed with a man called Malik who was under the protection
of Umar b. al-Khattab, I asked him how one could get access to the Commander of the Faithful.
He replied that there was no door barring the way to Umar or any obstacle, that he would say his prayers, would then
sit down and anyone who wished could talk to him”. Tabari 14 : 104 - 105
yourself as an example or a particular leader you know very well and complete the following table (O=Occasionally, F=Frequently,
achievement/push for increased achievement
1-3 sentences on what you understand by each of the following leadership functions:
objectives, vision clarification,
relationships: superiors, peers, subordinates
and leading groups
1-3 sentences about what you understand by each of the following follower functions:
yourself as an example or a particular leader you know very well and complete the following table (O=Occasionally, F=Frequently,
followers complete freedom in work
uniform procedures
followers to use their judgement in solving problems
followers to perform as they think best
decision: what and how
for increased achievements
to make changes
not explain actions
(a) Write down verses of the Qur'an
on obedience of leaders and explain your understanding of them
(b) Write down and explain 2 hadiths
on obedience of leaders
(c) List 5 advantages of follower
(d) List 5 situations when follower
obedience is a disadvantage
(e) What are the limitations that
the Sharia puts on leader obedience
(f) Do you think a leader should
also obey the followers? If yes give examples and support your stand from Qur'an and sunnah. Do the same if your answer is
in your own words how you think the following types of leaders communicate with their followers:
and Vanity
false reputation
treatment of followers
of followers
of leadership failure
and accountability
and feeling indispensable
people down
and disloyalty
of creativity
human relations
the crowd
of hatred by followers
of hatred of followers for leader
leaders misguide
and petty-mindedness
is finally punished
not despair
who deceives followers
for follower faults
for no genuine reason
of honesty
should not have pride/vanity
Fatal For Leaders
Of Leadership Failure
Of Followers
To Do With A Bad Leader
To Do With Bad Followers
Human imperfections: With the exception of Prophets, no leaders or followers can
claim being perfect. Any leader will have diseases (hopefully few). Followers also have diseases. The diseases of leaders
and followers could be synergistic. The aim of good leadership is to minimize or compensate for them. This requires maturity
and balance. The leader must be able to look at himself in a mirror or listen to trusted advisors to know and acknowledge
weaknesses. Only the greatest can do this.
Socialization: Bad leadership is learned from poor role models in the home, the general
society, and the work-place. Societies or organizations that depended on authoritarianism, no delegation, no participation
produced the worst leaders in history.
Diseases: Good leaders have attributes and skills that have been discussed. Bad leaders
are not necessarily those with opposite attributes and skills. Bad leaders have definite diseases that could exist alongside
some of the good qualities. In the extreme some bad leaders have only diseases and none of the good qualities.
Deviant personality: Psychological disorders eg megalomania, antisocial personality.
Many bad leaders are actually psychologically sick: sadists, megalomaniacs, jealous, immature, or psychopathic personalities.
Organizations and societies that allow such individuals to rise to the top pay a heavy price.
Pride and Vanity: Pride and vanity have destroyed many leaders. They are from the
SHAITAN and eventually lead to mutual hatred between leaders and followers. They may also become a disease of both the leader
and his followers in which case there is mutual hatred between groups,organizations, and even nations.
Uncompensated weaknesses: A leader is a human being and can not be perfect. There
will be weaknesses. The way to deal with them is to compensate for them by relying on strong people who have the skills that
the leader may lack. The careful leader will also avoid acitivities that he lacks the ability to do well.
Ignorance: Some bad leaders are sincere and are committing mistakes without being
aware of them. Some commit mistakes because of basic inner limitations. Ignorance of a leader that is not acknowledged or
compensated for spells disaster for the organization. Wrong decisions will be made and will be defended by the leader.
Excessive veneration: Bad leaders with weak egos seek excessive veneration from their
followers. These are inadequate persons who are not sure of themselves.
Oppression: Bad leaders who lack legitimacy, personal authority, and self-confidence
tend to be oppressive. They try to use force to impose their will. Those who oppose this are dealt with badly.
Petty-mindedness: Petty-mindedness is a sign of an immature personality and lack
of vision. Small things become big while big things are not even recognized. The self becomes more important than the public
Manipulation: Bad leaders are manipulative. They control and do not build or develop
their followers.
Seeking false reputation: Bad leaders concentrate on building false reputations,
appearances, and images. They neglect the hard work that produces real results. Such leaders who deceive themselves and their
followers will not hide their weaknesses for long. False leaders are exposed sooner or later. If not exposed in their lifetime
or period of tenure, history will expose them in unflattering terms. The Qur'an recounts stories of such leaders in bygone
eras as a lesson to all of us.
Abandoning followers: Bad leaders will abandon their followers in times of crisis
or danger. They will not stand to share the pain with them or lead them to a solution.
Unequal treatment of followers: Bad leaders treat followers unequally. There is favoritism.
Those who praise the leader and pander to his ego are preferred over the more principled ones. Syncopaths are brought near
while the productive and hard-working are kept away. Favoritism may also manifest as nepotism, appointments or promotions
based on family relationships and not merit. Injustice of a bad leader may be in attitude, actions, judgements, decisions,
and communication. All what deviates from the truth and fair and equitable treatment is injustice.
Deviant values: It is an irony of human experience that the best and the worst leaders
can share some of the same practical and conceptual skills. They differ in the underlying values, personality, goals, and
how the skills are used. Good moral leaders serve humanity while the bad ones cause suffering and harm.
Diseases of followers: Followers, like leaders, have diseases: hypocrisy, insincerity,
bad advice to leader, disloyalty, disobedience, and excessive veneration of the leader. Followers show hypocrisy when they
say something in front of the leader and the opposite when away from him. They may outwardly show loyalty and obedience when
they are secretly plotting against him. Insincerity is all forms of dishonesty and lies to the leader and fellow followers.
It also includes doing things for selfish individual interests while hurting the interests of the group. Some followers may
give advice to a leader that they know is bad either for some selfish personal gain, or to hurt someone else, or to hurt the
leader by making him commit mistakes. Disloyalty in all its forms is bad. Followers must obey the leader as long as he is
ordering them to do good. Disobedience rapidly results into chaos and break down of the civil order. Violence by the ruler
against followers or among followers rapidly ensues in a situation of anarchy. It is for this reason that obedience should
not be withheld even if the leader commits some minor mistakes. Some followers may spoil the leader by pandering to his ego
and showing him excessive veneration. When all of this gets to his head he may start behaving like a dictator, develop vanity
and pride and eventually fail in leadership.
Causes of leadership failure: Leadership failure is a consequence of a series of
mistakes. An organization can survive a few leadership mistakes. When the mistakes are consecutive and cumulate, the death
certificate for the organization is sealed. Leadership failure has several often inter-related causes: (a) refusal to admit
mistakes and blaming them on others (b) belief of the leader that he is indispensable and behaving as a dictator (c) fear
for position and neglecting training or developing replacements (d) disloyalty to superiors, peers, followers and the organization
(e) lack of creativity: hating new ideas, persisting in unproductive but tested ways, and being too bureaucratic (f) lack
of common sense, being away from reality and being theoretical (g) Lack of human skills and handling followers well and equitably
(h) lack of a sense of bottom-line that you have to produce results (i) failure to lead and following the crowd (j) condone
or tolerate incompetence (k) failure to recognize and reward good work (l) followers hating the leader.
Responsibility and accountability: A leader is accountable for all what goes on.
He should have the courage to admit his mistakes so that he may correct them. he must also take ultimate responsibility for
mistakes committed by subordinates although he is not personally directly culpable. He was supposed to select only the best
and most competent, train them, and supervise them so that they make no mistakes. Bad leaders do not take personal responsibilities.
They are not accountable for mistakes in their organization. They look for excuses (even valid ones) or shift responsibility
to others. It is a sign of personal weakness and emotional immaturity for a leader to pretend to be all-knowing and perfect
all the time.
Results/bottom line: A leader is judged by results. Lack of a sense of a bottom line
is a sure way to leadership failure. Such leaders may tolerate or even condone incompetence in the organization because success
and results do not matter to them. They will fail to recognize and reward good work. A leader must achieve results. If he
fails, even if he worked hard and sincerely and even if he has valid excuses, he is considered to have failed and he must
accept responsibility. Accepting responsibility is the first positive step toward looking for a solution.
Arrogance and feeling indispensable: When a leader starts thinking that he is special
and that there is nobody else who can be in his position he is already on the way to being lost. He will soon become a dictator
and will suppress all dissent and refuse to listen to advice. He will not develop his followers. Shaitan will encourage him
to become increasingly arrogant until he eventually fails. An insecure leader fears for his position and tries to oppress
or suppress people with leadership ability in the organization. This is an insincere person who should not have been leader
in the first place. A mark of a good leader is not coveting positions.
Putting people down: Poor leaders, actually leaders by default, put down people and
are only manifesting their own lack of self-confidence and a feeling of low self-worth. They assume that everybody else must
be like them. Such leaders either do not last long or continue leading failing organizations.
Mistrust and disloyalty: A bad leader does not trust others and is not trusted. He
will be disloyal to his superiors, his peers, and his subordinates. He will even betray the organization in pursuit of his
selfish interests.
Lack of creativity: When a leader starts thinking he knows all and is perfect in
all what he is doing, he closes his mind to new ideas. He suppresses creativity and innovation and persists in old ways even
if they are unproductive. Some of such leaders realize the futility of their stand and tend to hide behind bureaucratic policies,
rules, and regulations.
Inaccessibility: A leader who is not accessible soon loses touch with realities in
the organizations. He can not know what is going on at the grass-roots level. He lives in an ivory tower and his decisions
and actions lack the common sense that is expected.
Poor human relations: Poor leaders are poor in human relations. They demotivate followers,
harass them and make them loathe the organization. Many followers will leave at the first opportunity. Some leaders develop
this people incompetence into an art. They are aware of their inadequacy and inability to change so they make sure no follower
stays too long with them. They know the follower will eventually get fed up with them and may confront them one day. They
make sure he leaves before that breaking point. High turnover thus becomes a normal way with dire consequences for the organization.
Following the crowd: Some leaders abdicate their responsibilities. They fail to lead
and follow the crowd. Some could justify this by saying that they are 'listening' to their followers.
Consequences of hatred by followers: No person should insist on continuing in a leadership
position if he/she is hated by the followers. Leadership can not succeed if there is no good relation between the leader and
the followers.
Causes of hatred of followers for leader: Leader does not respect followers: impersonal
behavior, not listening, and being self importance. Wrong decisions . Take followers' credit . Blame followers for leader's
mistakes . Secretive; withhold information . Not protecting followers from external attacks . Public criticism of followers
. Not consulting followers . Over-working followers.
Ignorant leaders misguide: "Narrated Abdullah b Amr bin Al As : I heard Allah's Apostle
saying, Allah does not take away knowledge, by taking it away from ( the hearts of ) the people, but takes it away by the
death of the religious learned men till when none of the ( religious learned men ) remains, people will take as their leaders
ignorant persons who when consulted will give their verdict without knowledge. So they will go astray and will lead the people
astray". Bukhari 1:80, hadith # 100
Oppression and petty-mindedness: "Jabir b Abdullah reported that Allah's Messenger
( may peace be upon him ) said: Be on your guard against committing oppression, for oppression is a darkness on the Day of
Resurrection, and be on your guard against petty mindedness for petty mindedness destroyed tho who were before you. as it
incited the to shed blood and make lawful what was unlawful for them"
4: 1366, Chapter 1065, Hadith # 6248
Oppressor is finally punished: "Narrated Abu Musa : Allah's Apostle said, Allah gives
respite to the oppressor, but when He takes him over, He never releases him. Bukhari 6:171, hadith # 208
Do not despair: "Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger ( may peace be upon him )
as saying: When a person says that people are ruined he is he is himself ruined" Muslim 3: 1382, Chapter 1091, Hadith # 6352
Leader who deceives followers: "Narrated Maqil : Allah's Apostle said, If any ruler
having the authority to rule Muslim subjects dies while he is deceiving them, Allah will forbid Paradise for him" Bukhari
9:197, hadith # 265
Searching for follower faults: "Jubair b. Nufair, Kathir b. Murrah, Amr b. al-Aswad,
Miqdam b. Madikarib, and Abu Umamah reported the Prophet ( may peace be upon him ) as saying: When a ruler seeks to make imputations
against the people, he corrupts them" Abu Daud 3:1362, Chapter 1752, Hadith # 4870
Torment for no genuine reason: "Hisham reported on the authority of his father that
Hisham b. Hakin b. Hizam happened to pass by people, the farmers of Syria,
who had been made to stand in the sun. He said: What is the matter with them?. They said: They have been detained for Jizya.
Thereupon Hisham said: I bear testimony to the fact that I heard Allah's Messenger ( may peace be upon him ) as saying" Allah
would torment those who torment people in the world" Muslim 3: 1378, Chapter 1083, Hadith # 6328
Disappearance of honesty: "Narrated Abu Huraira : Allah's Apostle said, When honesty
is lost. then wait for the Hour. It was asked, How will honesty be lost, O Allah's Apostle? He said. When authority is given
to those who do not deserve it, then wait for the Hour." Bukhari 8:332, hadith # 503
Leader should not have pride/vanity: " Hadrat Amir ibn Rabiah says that once he accompanied
the Prophet ( p.b.h. ) up to the mosque. The thong or strap of his shoe got broken, Hadrat Amir took it so as to mend it.
said, " This thing smells pride, and I dislike vanity or pride." Hayat 2:611
Cruelty: pharaoh Qur:an 2:49, NIMOROD Qur'an 21:66-70, DHU NUWAS
Arrogance: Pharaoh: Qur'an 28:38-39, Qur'an 79:21-24
Dishonesty: "Narrated Hudhaifa : Allah's Apostle narrated to us two narrations, one
of which I have seen ( happening ) and I am waiting for the other. He narrated that honesty was preserved in the roots of
the hearts of men ( in the beginning ) and then they learnt it ( honesty ) from the Qur'an and then they learnt it from the
( Prophet's ) Sunna ( tradition )> He also told us about its disappearance. saying. " A man will go to sleep whereupon
honesty will be taken away from his heart, and only its trace will remain, resembling the traces of fire. He then will sleep
whereupon the remainder of the honesty will also be taken away ( from his heart ) and its trace will resemble a blister which
is raised over the surface of skin when an ember touches one's foot: and in fact, this blister does not contain anything,
So there will come a day when people will deal in business with each other but there will hardly be any trustworthy persons
among them. Then it will be said that in such and such a tribe there is such and such person who is honest, and a man will
be admired for his intelligence, good manners and strength, though indeed he will not have belief equal to a mustard seed
in his heart. The narrator added: there came upon me a time when I did not mind dealing with anyone of you, for if he was
a Muslim; his religion would prevent him from cheating, and if he was a Christian, his muslim ruler would prevent him from
cheating; but today I cannot deal except with so and so and so and so" Bukhari 8:332-333, hadith # 504
Taking bribes: "" Muwatta 33:321, hadith # 1
1-3 sentences on what you understand by the following diseases of leaders: Give examples from
your experience
examples from your experience of the following manifestations of leadership failure:
to admit/accept mistakes
they are indispensable:
and egoistic
to traindevelop replacements
for position
to superiors, peers, followers, organization
of competition from outside and inside
of creativity: hate new ideas,
unprodctive tested ways
of common sense: aloof; far from reality,theoretical
of a 'people sense:
positional and not personal power
and demotivate followers: fault-finding,name calling, attacks, blame manage different people in the same way
sense of 'bottom-line': not know you are judged by results - failure to pay attention to detail
to see endresults
to set standards & making sure standards are respected
to lead: being part of the crowd and not leading
taking hard decisions involving people
in followers' privacy
to be loved by followers
of will-power wish problems will disappear on their own
to recognize and reward good work
of followers for leader:
the following table comparing manipulators and people builders. Indicate your choices as high/low:
concern for people
and dumps people
power for self gain
examples of the following follower diseases from your personal experience
you are a follower and your leader has one of the following diseases. Write down preventive and curative measures you would
take to deal with the situation. Leaving the organisation is not one of the options
of invincibility or invulnerability
of other views and opinions
and dictatorial disposition
of people
and lack of courage
or avoiding responsibility
false impressions of achievement not backed by actual work
fear of failure
to focus
for cheap popularity
accomplishments of others
to followers
you are a leader and you have followers with the following diseases. Write down preventive and curative measures you would
undertake to deal with the situation. Throwing them out of the organization is not one of the options
What is special about Abubakr: Companion of the cave. Prophet chose him to lead salat. First believer. Firm iman that
knew no doubts (siddiq). Wisdom, far vision. Focus of unity of state after death of prophet. Firm stand in riddat wars preserved
religion and unity. Laid foundation for empire in byzantine and Persian lands. Collected Qur’an
Abubakar in makka
before Islam: Good manners and loved personality. Leader in his tribe in charge of settling blood feuds. Successful cloth
merchant in makka due to his good personality
Good morals,
did not drink alcohol. Did not participate in jahiliyyah worship. Did not hesitate to accept Islam. Called others in Islam.
Used his wealth to help poor muslims. Got title al siddiq. Not angry except for Allah: bet on byantine-persia war. Companion
of the Prophet. Planned hijra. Companion of the cave: fear for Prophet not himself
Abubakr in madina:
Started as farmer. Never got angry except for Allah : story of finhas. Always with Prophet. Abubakr and Omar 2 ministers of
the Prophet. Kind to badr prisoners of war. Abubakr agreed with prophet at hudaybiyyah. Led pilgrimage after hudaybiyyah.
Led salt when prophet was sick (9) firm stand at death of prophet. Firm and wise stand at saqifa averted civil war
Abubakr on ascension
to khilafat: Abubakr did not oppress opposers. Riddat wars: usually soft Abubakr was tough for truth - stabilized state in
his reign by courageous stands - endorsed khalid’s killing those who killed muslim - forgave prisoners brought to madina
- did not forgive others. Firm stand on regfusers of zakat. Firm stand on pretenders to prophethood. Firm stand on despatching
usamah’s army. Initiated Palestine and Iraq
Abubakras a leader:
Full-time leader. Aware of his limitations. Asked for obedience if he obeyed Allah. Governed by shura. Did not develop bureaucracy:
reign too short - busy with military activity for administration
division: Abubakr divided the peninsula into 13 districts: hejazi (makka, madina, taif) - yaman (sana,
hadharamawt, khawla, zubyd, jand, najran, jarsh) and bahrain
Death of Abubakr:
Pre-occupied with ummatic welfare in last 2 weeks. Consulted people before appointing Omar. Self criticism on his activities.
Returned salary to bait al maal. Died with no wealth. Buried in his old clothes; the living need new ones. Ordered his funeral
not distract from state affairs. He reigned for 27 months. He died on Monday 21 Jumada I 12 ah and was buried the same night. He was aged 63.
Main Lessons:
Simple life. Honest. Polite. Firm. Caution. Against self-admiration. Self criticism. Accept criticism. Accountability. Gentle
nature. Avoid fitna
name and family:
Abubakr’s name was Abdullah bin Othman bin Amer (Abu Quhafa).
Basic philosophy
of leadership: Abubakr followed and did not innovate. his reign was too short for a lot of administrative developments.
ijtihad: Fighting refusers of zakat. Fighting refusers of zakat. Fighting the murtadd. Collecting the Qur’an.
Manin achievements:
Unity of ummah / arabian peninsula. Riddat. Zakat. Start of the futuhat. Collecting Qur’an.
Abubakr the companion
in the cave :
“If you help not
(your leader) (It is no matter): for Allah did indeed help him when the unbelievers drove him out: he had no more than one
companion: The two were in the Cave and he said to his companion “have no fear for Allah is with us” then Allah
sent down his peace upon him and strengthened him with force which you saw not, and humbled to the depths the word of the
unbelievers. But the word of Allah is exalted to the heights: For Allah is Exalted
in might wise.
Siddiq in the Qur’an: “wa llathi ja’a bi sidq wa saddaqa bihi”
praised him: “law kuntu mutakhidha khalila l itakhadhtu Aba Bakr”
tells Muslims to correct him: “If I am upright then follow me; but if I deviate straighten me out”
letter to Khalid Ibn Al Walid Warning about self-admiration: “Abu Jafar his authorities: The letter of Abu Bakr came
to Khalid at al-Hirah when he had just returned from his pilgrimage. It said,
Go until you reach the Muslim armies at al Yarmuk, for they are distressed and causing distress. Do not by any means return to the like of what you have done, for your worry will not, with God’s
help, worry the masses of the troops, and your method of removing the people’s distress will never remove it. May your
intention and your favored position gladden you, Abu Sulayman! Therefore complete your work so that God may make it complete for you. Do not by any means let self admiration
enter you, so that you lose and fail. See that you do not rely upon any work
of yours for God controls the bestowal of favor, and He is the owner of reward”. Tabari 11:69
of a leader: Abu Bukar’s speech on his election: “O Men! Here I have been assigned the job of being a ruler over
you while I am not the best among you. If I do well in my job, help me. If I do wrong, redress me. Truthfulness
is fidelity, and lying is treason. The weak shall be strong in my eyes until
I restore to them their lost rights, and the strong shall be weak in my eye until I have restored the rights of the weak from
them. No people give up fighting for the cause of God but God inflicts upon them
abject subjection; and no people give themselves to lewdness but God envelops them with misery. Obey me as long as I obey god and His Prophet. But if I disobey
God’s command or His Prophet’s, then no obedience is incumbent upon you.
Rise to your prayer, that God may bless you” (Muhammad pp 508-511)
Abubakr Khalifat
Rasulillah: “Lamma buyi’a Abu Bakr khatabhu rajulu min al muslimiin biqawlihi ya khalifat llaah falam yad’uhu
abubakr yamdhi fi hadithihi bal qala lahu lastu bi khalifat llaah wa lakitnni khalifat rasulillaah”.
Attributes of
abubakr’s : simple life: “Aisha reported my father’s dwelling
was at al-Sunh with his wife Habibah bt. Kharijah b. Zayd b. abi Zuhayr of the Banu al-Harith b. al-Khazraj. He had built himself a room from palm leaves. He did not add
to that up to the time he moved to his dwelling in Medina. He continued to reside there at al-Sunh for six months after he had received the oath
of allegiance, He would go by foot to Medina. Occasionally, he would ride on a horse he had, wearing a waist wrapper and a worn-out cloak. He would come to Medina to lead the people
in public worship. When he finished the evening worship (isha) he would return to his family at al-Sunh. When he was present, he would lead the people in their worship; when he was not present, Umar would lead
them in it. He would spend Friday morning at al-Sunh dyeing his head and his beard, then he would go forth according to the
time of the Friday worship, in which he would lead the people. He was a man of
commerce. He would go forth early every day to the market, where he would sell
and buy. He had a flock of sheep that would go home to him. Sometimes he would go forth with it himself; sometime, it would be taken care of, so that it was pastured
for him. He also would milk the sheep for the community. When he was rendered the oath of allegiance as caliph, a girl from the community said to him, “Now
the ewes of our house will not be milked for us” Abubakr heard her and said, “On the contrary. By my life I will most definitely milk them for you. I certainly
hope that what I have entered into will not turn me away from my previous habit. “When he would milk for them, he sometimes
would say to a girl from the community, “O girls, would you like me to tend (your sheep) for you, or to leave them to
pasture by themselves?” Sometimes she would say, “Tend (them); other
times she would say, “Leave (them)”. Whichever of those she said, he would do. He remained like that at al-Sunh
for six months, them he came down to Medina to reside in it
and look after his responsibilities. He said, “No, by God, trading will not set right the affairs of the people. Only my devoting myself exclusively to them and looking after their business will
set them aright. My dependents must have what will make them prosper”.
Thus, he abandoned trade and expended of the Muslim’ money enough to make
him prosper and make his dependents prosper day by day. [....] That which they
had allocated for him every year was six thousand dirhams. When death came to
him, he said, “Give back what we have of the Muslims money, for I will not acquire anything of this property. My land which is in such-and-such a place is given to the Muslims as compensation for what I have acquired
of their property”. He transferred that to Umar along with milch camels,
a slave who was a bed wetter, and velvet worth five dirhams. Umar said, “He
has caused troubles for those after him”. Tabari 11: 151 - 153
Abubakr paid:
Abe Zayd--’ Al Ib. Muhammad -- those whom I have mentioned
his transmitting
from them : Abu Bakr Said, “Figure out how much I have spent from the treasury since I was put in charge and settle
it for me. “They found it amounted to eighty thousand dirhams during
his rule.
ABUBAKR’S : SELF-CRITICISM: Abubakr said “Indeed, I do not grieve for anything from this world, except for three
(things) which I did that I wish I had left aside, about which I wish I had asked God;s Messenger. As for the three that I
wish I had left aside, I wish that I had not thrown open the house of Fatimah to reveal something, even though they had locked
it with hostile intent, I wish that I had not burned al-Fuja’ah al-Sulami and that I had quickly killed him or forbearingly
let him go. I wish, on the day of Saqifat Bani Saidah, that I had thrown the
matter upon the neck of one of the two men (meaning Umar and Abu Ubaydah) so that one of them would have become the commander
(of the Faithful) and I would have been his minister (wazir). As for those I left aside, I wish that on the day I was brought
al-Ashath ibn Qays as a prisoner I had cut off his head, for I imagine that he does not see any evil but that he helps it
along. I also wish, when I sent Khalid ibn al-Walid to fight the people of apostasy,
that I had stayed at Dhu al-Qassah, so that if the Muslims had triumphed, they would have triumphed, but if they had been
defeated, I would have been engaged or (provided) reinforcement. Furthermore,
I wish, when I sent Khalid ibn al-Walid to Iraq;
[... missing?] thereby, I would have stretched forth both of my hands in God’s path. (He stretched forth his hands).
I also wish that I had asked God’s Messenger with whom the government rests, so that no one would contend about it. I wish I had asked him whether the Ansar have a share in the government. I wish I had asked him about the inheritance of the bother’s daughter and the paternal aunt, for
I have some doubts in my mind abut the two of them. Tabari 11: 149 - 150
Attributes of
abubakr’s : avoiding fitna: “Al Zibriqan and al Aqra went out to AbuBakr and said, “Make over to us the
Kharaj of al-Bahrayn and we will guarantee for you that no one from our tribe will repudiate, so Abu Bakr did that and wrote
the document. The one who acted as middleman for them was Talhah ibn Ubaydallah.
They called upon witnesses, among them Umar but when the document was brought to Umar, he looked at it without witnessing
it. Then he said, No by God, absolutely not!” and tore up the document
and erased it. Talhah became angry at this, so he went to Abu Bakr saying, “Are you the commander of is Umar?”
Whereupon (Abu Bakr) replied, Umar is, except that obedience is owed to me”. so he calmed down. The two of them witnessed
with Khalid all the battles up to al Yamamah, them al-Aqra went to Dumah with Sharhabil”. Tabari 10: 97 - 98
Attributes of
abubakr’s : gentle persuasion that inspired men and made them obedient: bu Bakr became anxious about Syria, whose matter caused him concern. Abu Bakr had sent
Amr in al Asi back to a post to which the Messenger of God had appointed him that of the taxation of the Sa’d Hudhaym,
the Udhrah, and those associated with them of the Judham and the Hadas - before his going to Uman. Then he departed for Uman with a promise that his office would be restored to him when he returned. Abu Bakr fulfilled that promise. When he became anxious about Syria, Abu Bakr wrote to Amr, saying, “I have restored
you to the office to which the Messenger of God appointed you once and named you once more, when you were sent to Uman in
fulfillment of the promises of God’s Messenger, so that you have taken it up once and then again. I would like, Abu Abdallah, to devote you entirely to that which is better for you in your life and your
return to God, unless that which you have now is preferable to you”. Amr wrote back to him, I am one of the arrows of
Islam, and you after God, are the one who shoots them and collects them. Look
for the strongest, most fearsome, and best of them and aim at something with it, if comes to you from some direction”.
Tabari 11: 78 - 79
Dealing with
opposition : [Sa’d ibn Ubadah refused to swear allegiance Abubakr] He was
left for several days, then he was sent to (and told) that he should come to render the oath of allegiance, for the people
(generally) had done so and his tribe as well. But he said, By God, I shall not
do it, before I have shot at you with whatever arrows are in my quiver, and have reddened that head of my spear, and struck
you with my sword, as long as my hand control it. I will fight you with my family
and those who obey me of my tribe. I swear by God (even) if the Jinn gathered
to you with the people, I would not render the oath of allegiance to you, until I am brought forth before my God and know
what my reckoning is. When Abu Bakr was informed of this Umar said to him, “Pester him until he renders the oath of
allegiance”. But Bashir ibn Sa’d Saif, “He has refused; he has made up his mind, and wouldn’t render
the oath of allegiance to you even if he were killed, and he would not be killed without his children and family and a party
of his kinsmen being killed with him. So leave him alone; leaving him won’t
harm you, he is only one man” So they left him alone. They came to accept
the advice of Bashir ibn Sa’d consulting him whenever it seemed right to them to do so. Sa’d ibn Ubadah used not
a pray in their prayer or congregate with them; for Friday prayer; he performed the pilgrimage to Mecca but did not press on with them in the multitudes, he continued thus until Abu Bakr
died. Tabari 10 : 9 - 10
List the following
from what you have read about Abu Bakr
(a) Personal attributes
(b) Conceptual skills
(c) Practical skills
(d) Human skills
Leadership style and achievements of Omar Ibn al Khattab
Background: Omar was born in Makka and lived the normal life of youths of that time.His family, the banu addiy,
were in charge of diplomacy for the Quraish and Omar seems to have gone on several diplomatic missions while young. Omar’s
family was relatively poor. Omar was one of the few literate Quraish. He liked poetry and kept this interest even in Islam and when he became Khalifa. He was an orator and knew Arab genealogy. He traveled widely
in and around Arabia. He had a strong interest
in knowledge. Omar was a trader in Makka but did not do well. This was because
of his personality which was rather tough. He did not seem very interested in
money. Omar had strong opinions about issues of concern to him. He was fanatic
about the unity of his people and tolerated no dissension that could lead to weakening this unity. He fought those who left the Makkan pagan religion with the same vehemence as he fought the Muslims.
Strong personality: Omar’s personality was different from that of Abubakar. The two seemed to be at extreme
ends of the spectrum but were a perfect illustration of what is needed in complementation. That is why the prophet had both
of them beside him all the time. Omar was a practical man of action. Omar was brave and very daring. When he became a Muslim he declared his conversion in public in Makka.
He and Hamza led the first public demonstration in Islam when they led Muslims from their hiding places to pray in
from of the Kaaba. Omar unlike all other companions migrated in public from Makka and dared any who wanted to challenge him.
Omar was open-spoken and always expressed his views. Omar was feared, Abubakr had to consider this against Omar’s strengths
as he appointed him as successor.
Balance: Omar was known for being tough. He however had a soft spot
in him. This was demonstrated on many occasions.
Before accepting Islam, he confronted his Muslim sister in Makka and beat her.
When he saw blood he was very sorry and was profoundly affected. Her bravery
and steadfastness softened him. When the prophet passed away Omar behaved contrary to character. He however soon picked himself up and stood by Abubakr to elect a new leader and avoid break-up of the
Vision and foresight: Omar always had the big picture in mind as well as the public interest. Many revelations
were revealed to support Omar’s opinions and view. The following verses
were revealed : Forbidding Riba, Forbidding alcohol, Praying at maqam ibrahim, adhan, Forbidding funeral prayers for a hypocrite,
Abdullah Ibn Ubayy, Hijab for the prophet’s wives. Omar participated in the battle of Badr and had the opinion that
the Quraish prisoners of war should be killed. The Qur'an was revealed to support his position.
Omar and service: Anxiety about affairs of the Ummah: not sleeping. Omar was the father of the poor and the weak.
Omar and Umm Kulthum attended birth of a strange woman. Omar and the woman with hungry children. Omar spending the night guarding
goods of traders in the market.
Omar and Ijtihad: Omar was very active in ijtihad. The following legal opinions are attributed to him: Forbadding
mut’ah, return of Arab captives, a hadd for drinking, rulings about divorce. The principle of necessity of fiqh. Inheritance.
Distribution of land in Egypt, Syria
and Iraq
Physical health: Omar was physically and mentally very strong. This
enabled him to exercise a very dynamic leadership. He was able to work hard. He could personally attend to many details and follow up projects. He exercised more control over state affairs that did Abu Bakr. Omar slept very little. Omar was able to
follow-up affairs of far- away provinces by use of the postal system, hajj, spies, and tours of inspection.
Omar before becoming khalifah: Omar accepted Islam in a dramatic way. He
had set off to kill the prophet. He instead went to his sister’s house
when he found out she was a convert. He confronted her and her husband and ended
up reading some pages from the Qur’an. It was this that finally touched
his heart and he went to the prophet to accept Islam. Omar in Makka after Islam was as source of strength for Muslims. Before
his conversion they prayed in secret. After his conversion they prayed publicly at the Kaaba and none of the Quraysh dared
face him. Omar was active as a vizier to Abubakr and was always at his side. Omar differed from Abubakr about the riddat wars
but eventually came around to realize the wisdom of Abubakr’s view. Omar suggested collecting the Qur’an.
Omar as Khalifa: Wanted to be corrected; accepted advice. Omar managed the Iraq, Syrian, and Egyptian campaigns directly with a lot of hands-on management.
The Iraq campaign: consulted companions
whether he goes himself or appoints a commander. The decision was to send a commander. Omar followed the campaign closely and asked Sa’ad for frequent reports. After
conquest of Madain Omar decided not to expand farther into Persian territory but to consolidate territory already held. As part of his foresight he refused to distribute the land of Iraq among the conquerors. Omar was
reluctant to allow Amre b al As to invade Egypt. In the end a half decision was made and Amre exploited the opportunity to go ahead. He was very anxious about affairs of state and slept little. Omar was in continuous correspondence with Amre to follow up affairs of Egypt. Omar decided against making
Alexandria a capital.
He refused a house that Amre built for him in Fustat. He also ordered
Amre to get advice from Benjamin the patriarch of Egypt
on how to administer the territory. Omar had the foresight to forbid the distribution
of Egyptian lands. He differed with Amre about taxation and the difference became
very hot. He however did not dismiss Amre. Decision to return Arab captives to
their families. Dismissal of Khalid Ibn al Walid. Exiling the Christians of Najran so that there was only one religion in
the peninsula. Omar turned away from Syria
when he was informed of plague there. Omar led the effort to save lives during the hunger that afflicted Madina.
High standards: Omar gave trouble to those who came after him because he set very high unattainable standards
for those after him. The prophet named him al Farooq, one who distinguishes between right and wrong. He gave Islam strength and dignity. He was inspired with guidance.
Omar’s management and administrative innovations: Abu Bakr’s short reign was a period of transition. It was during Omar’s reign that the state stabilized. It was also during the 10 years of Omar’s reign that the Islamic empire expanded from Persia to Africa. Omar is remembered for many administrative
innovations: establishment of bayt al mal, establishment of courts and appointment of judges, start of the hijri calendar,
organization of the war department, putting army reserves on the payroll, survey and assessment of lands, census and building
of canals. Among the firsts of Omar were: being called Amir al Muminun, hijri
calendar, taraweeh, date and stamp documents, appointment of public readers of the Qur’an. Among Omar’s firsts
was establishment of waqf of his land at Khaybar, carrying a whip and using it for discipline, survey of the sawad lands, establishment of kharaj and jizyah taxation systems, building cities (Basra, Kufa,
Fustat), transporting food by sea, flour house, appointment of judges, bayt al maal, forbade sale of mothers, establishment
of ushr collecting people to pray taraweeh in group, whipping as hadd for drinking,
compulsory military service, standing army, postal service, prisons, mint. Omar established several dawawiin: insha, ata,
jund, jabayah (kharaj and jizyah), ihsa, muhasabah, waqf khayri. Omar established the military register and started paying
stipends to citizens and their families so that they may concentrate on jihad. He
discouraged pursuit of trade and agriculture so that the military spirit would not be lost.
Omar’s government.: The mosque was the headquarters of the government. Omar aimed at unity of religion and
government in the Arabian peninsula. It was
for this reason that he exiled the Christians and the Jews and also returned all Arab captives to their families. Omar was
directly in charge of military policy. He was not for outright expansion. He always thought about consolidation. Omar did not impose a uniform system of government
or economic organization in the empire. He allowed local variations. However
control and major decisions were centralized. Shura was the basis of government. Omar appointed officials on the basis of
accessibility, not coveting positions, kindness, not engaged in business, not a relative. Workers were given fixed salaries.
There was a check on the wealth of officials. Omar appointed judges, in Basra, Kufa, and Egypt and established the principle of separation of the judiciary
from the executive branch of government. Omar did not appoint people from the family of the prophet to administrative positions. He did not allow the Quraish to disperse in conquered territories. He kept the leading
companions with him in Madina. Omar controlled his subordinates closely. He felt
personally responsible for their mistakes. Omar sent Muhammad Ibn Muslamah to audit Amre on excess wealth that he had accumulated.
How Omar checked on workers: policy of open door, public punishment for errant workers, workers equal to citizens under the
law, disciplining without firing, firing in case of shubuhat, informers, hajj,
tours of inspection. Omar hated differences and dissension. Omar punished his son Abdu Rahman for drinking. Omar rejected
gift for his wife. Omar did not allow wives to interfere in official work. Justice for all.
The story Jabala, the Ghassinian prince. Omar and punishment of Amre’s son for mistreating an Egyptian.
WASTING OF PUBLIC PROPERTY: “According to Yunus : Umar sent me off with some alms camels to the designated pasturage
and I put my baggage on one of the sh-camels. When I was intending to lead them
away, he asked me to show him them, I did so and he saw my baggage on a fine she-camel in among them and You wretch! You make
use of a she-camel that will provide goodness to a Muslim family! Why not
a two-year-old camel constantly discharging urine, or a she with little milk”.Tabari 14 : 105
NOT TO PLACE CONFIDENCE IN OUTSIDERS : “According to Umar b. Muhalid al-Hamdani : Umar b. al-Khattab was told that there
was someone from al-Anbar who had some knowledge of the State register (and was asked) if he would take him on as a secretary. Umar replied, IN this case, I would be taking on as a confidant (someone) from outside
the (community of the) believers”. Tabari 14 : 105
LEADERSHIP : SOME OF HIS MEMORABLE DEEDS: According to Abu al-Sa’ib [Salm b. Juadah]-Ibn Fudayl-Dirar-Husayn al-Murri
‘Umar said, “The Arabs are like a tractable camel that follows its leader.
So its leaders should watch were he is leading it. BY the Lord of the Ka’bah, I shall certainly carry them along
the [straight road]…. According to Ya’qub b. Ibrahim-Isma’ilb. Ibrahim-Yunus-al-Hassan [al-Basri]: ‘Umar
said, “When I find my self in a position when I feel comfortable, but that means my people have no assess [to me], then
this [can not] [continue] to be my position; I [must once again] be on the same level
as my people. … According to Khallad b. Aslam-al-Nadr b. Shumayl-Qatan-Abu Yazid al-Madini-a client of ‘Uthman
b. ‘Affan: I was riding behind ‘Uthman b. ‘Affan one hot day when there was an extremely hot wind blowing
and he came to the alms-animal pen. There was a man wearing a waist wrapper and
an upper garment with another wrapped around his head. He was driving camels
into the pen; the is, the alms-camel pen. ‘Uthman said, “Who do you think this is?” We finally reached him
and he was ‘Umar b. al-Khattab. (‘Uthman) said, “He is indeed ‘the strong, the trustworthy one!”.,,…According
to Ja’far b. Muhammad al-Kufi and ‘Abbas b. Abi Talib-Abu Zakariyya’ Yahya b. Mus’ab al-Kalbi-Umar
b. Nafi’Abu Bakr al-’Absi I entered the alms-animal enclosure with ‘Umar b. al-Khattab and ‘Ali b.
Abi Talib. ‘Uthman sat down in the shade to write while ‘Ali stood by him, dictating to him what Umar was saying. In a very hot day ‘Umar was standing
in the sun and wearing two black garments, one as a waist wrapper, another wrapped
around his head, as he counted the alms camels, recording their colors and their ages. ‘Ali spoke to ‘Uthman,
and I heard him quoting the description of the daughter of Shu’ayb in God’s Book, “O father, hire him; the
best of those you hire will be the strong, the trustworthy one!” ‘Ali pointed at ‘Umar and said, “This
is ‘the strong, the trustworthy one!”…. According to Ya’qub b. Ibrahim-Isma’il-Yunus-al-Hassan
: ‘Umar said, If I live, I shall certainly travel for a whole year among my subjects, God willing. I know that people have needs that do not reach me. Their
governors will not refer them to me, nor will they themselves come to me. I shall
travel to Syria and stay there two months. Then I shall travel to the Jazirah and stay there two months. Then I shall travel to Egypt
and stay there two months. Then I shall travel to Bahrain and stay there two months. Then
I shall travel to al-Kufah and stay there for two months. The I shall travel
to al-Basrah and stay there for two months. Indeed, what a fine year this will
be! ….According to Muhammad b. ‘Awf-Abu al-Mughirah ‘Abd al-Quddus b. al-Hajjaj-Safwan b. ‘Amr-Abu
al-Mukhariq Zuhayr b. Salim-Ka’b al-Ahbar. I stayed with a man called Malik
who was under the protection of Umar b. al-Khattab. I asked him how one could
get access to the Commander of the Faithful. He replied that there was no door
barring the (way to Umar) or any obstacle, that he would say his prayers, would then sit down, and anyone who wished could
talk to him. …. According to Yunus b. Abd. al ‘A’la-Sufyan [Uyaynah]-Yahya-Salim-Aslam: ‘Umar sent
me off with some alms camels to the designated pasturage and I put my baggage on one of the she-camels. When I was intending to lead them away, he asked me to show him them.
I did so and he saw my baggage on a fine she-camel in among them and said, “You wretch! You make use of a she-camel
that will provide goodness to a Muslim family! Why not a two-year-old camel constantly discharging urine, or a she with little
milk? …. According to ‘Umar b. Ismail b. Muhalid al-Hamdani-Abu Mu’awiyah-Abu
Hayyan-Abu al-Zinba’-Abu al-Dihqanah ‘Umar b. al-Khattab was told
that there was someone from al-Anbar who had some knowledge of the state register [and was asked] if he would take him on
as a secretary. ‘Umar replied, “In this case, I would be taking on
as a [confidant] someone from outside the [community of the Believers!”…. According to Yunus b. ‘Abd al-’A’la-Ibn
Wahb-’Abd al-Rahman b. Zayd-his father-his grandfather; Umar b. al-Khattab addressed the people and said, “By
Him who sent Muhammad with the Truth, if one camel were to perish untended on the bank of the Euphrates, I would fear that
God would hold the Khattab family responsible for it”. Abu Zayd added that
the Khattab family meant himself, no one else… According to Ibn al-Muthanna-Ibn Abi Adi-Shu’bah-Abu ‘Imran
al-Jawni: Umar wrote to Abu Musa, “There are still prominent men who refer
the needs of the people [to me] on their behalf.
So honor those prominent men who are in your jurisdiction. It is justice
enough for an uninfluential Muslim that he be treated fairly in juridical decisions and in the division [of spoils after being
referred to me]’…. According to Abu Kurayb-Ibn Idris-Mutarrif-al-Sha’bi : A Bedouin came to Umar and said,
“My stallion camel has both mange and saddle sores; give me a mount”. ‘Umar replied to him, ‘Your
camel does not have mange and saddle sores!” (The bedouin) turned away, reciting the following: Abu Hafs Umar has sworn
by God’s name That no mange or saddle sores have afflicted [my mount]. Forgive
him, God, that he has given a false oath! (‘Umar exclaimed, “O God, forgive me!” He called the Bedouin back
and gave him a [fresh] mount. …. According to Ya’qub b. Ibrahim-Isma’il-Ayyub-Muhammad: I was informed that
a man who was related to ‘Umar asked him [for money]. But he chided him
and sent him away. People spoke to(‘Umar) about him, and he was asked why
he chided him and sent him away when he begged from him. He replied “He
asked me for some of God’s money. What will be my excuse if I meet Him
when I am a treacherous ruler? Why did he not ask for some of my money?”
(The source) added that (Umar) sent him 10,000 [dirhams]…. According to Muhammad b. al-Muthanna-Abd. al-Rahman b. Mahdi-Shu’bah-Yahya
b. Hudayn-Tariq b. Shihab: Whenever Umar sent governors in charge of provinces, he would say about them, “O God, I have
not sent them to take the property (of the people) nor to abuse them physically. Anyone
oppressed by his commander has no commander except me”…. According to Ibn Bashshar-Ibn Abi Adi-Shu’bah-Qatadah-Salim
b. Abi al-Ja’ad-Ma’dan b. Abi Talhah: ‘Umar b. al-Khattab gave an address to this people and said, ‘O
God, I call You to bear witness to the commanders of the garrison towns that I have sent them only to teach the people their
religion and the practice of their Prophet, to distribute among them their spoils and to act with justice. If they have any doubt about any matter, they will refer it to me”. … According to Abu Kurayb-Abu
Bakr b. Ayyash-Abu Hasin: Whenever Umar appointed his governors, he would go out with them to bid them farewell, saying, “I
have not appointed you governor over Muhammad’s community with limitless authority.
I have made you governor over them only to lead them in prayer, to make decisions among them based on what is right,
and to distribute [the spoils] among them justly. I have not given you limitless
authority over them. Do not flog Arab [troops] and humiliate them; do not keep
them long from their families and bring temptation upon them; do not neglect them and cause them deprivation. Confine yourselves to the factual text of The Qur’an, and do not frequently cite prophetic traditions. I am your partner”. He would also
allow vengeance to be taken on his governors. If there was a complaint against
a governor, he would bring together the governor and the complainant. If there
was a genuine case against (the governor) for which punishment was obligatory, he would punish him….. According to Yaqub
b. Ibrahim-Ismail b. Ibrahim-Said al-Jurayri-Abu Nadrah-Abu Firas: ‘Umar b. al-Khattab made the Friday address and said,
“O people, I do not send governors to you to flog you or to take your possessions.
I send them to you to teach you your religion and the way you should follow.
If anything other than these is done to anyone, he should refer I the matter) to me.
By Him in whose hand is my soul, I shall certainly permit the law of retaliation to be used against (any governor). “Up jumped Amr b. al-’As and said, “Do you rally think you will
allow the law of retaliation to be used against any commander appointed over your subjects who disciplines one of them?”
(Umar) replied, “Yes indeed, I shall certainly allow that. Why not, as
I have seen the Messenger of God allow the law of retaliation against himself? Do
not beat Muslims and humiliate them; do not keep them log from their families and bring temptation upon them; do not deny
them their rights and turn them into infidels; do not settle them among thickets so that you lose them”. …. ‘Umar
reportedly would himself patrol at night, seeking out the Muslim’s dwellings and personally finding out how they were
faring. Tabari 14:103-108
WITH FAMILY IN ORDERING NEW THINGS: When ‘Umar wanted to order the Muslims to do something that was of benefit to them
or to forbid them doing something that was not, he would begin with him own family.
He would come to them, exhorting them and threatening them not to go against his order.
According to Abu Kuraby Muhammad b. Al Ala’--Abu Bakr b. ‘Ayyash-’Ubaydallah b. ‘Umar in Medina - Salim: When ‘Umar went up into the minbar and forbade
the people from doing something, he would [first] bring together his own family and say, “I have forbidden the people
from doing so and so. They all look at you as birds look-that is, at their prey-and
I swear in God’s name that if I find anyone of you doing (whatever is forbidden) I shall double his punishment !”.
FROM LUXURY: According to Abu Kurayb-Abu Bakr-’Asim [b. Kulayb]: Umar appointed someone governor of Egypt. While
Umar was walking through one of the streets of Medina, he
heard someone say, “Good heavens, Umar, you appoint someone governor who acts treacherously and you say that you have
no responsibility in the matter, when your governor is doing so and so!” So [‘Umar] sent for (the governor) and
when he arrived gave him a staff, a woolen coat, and sheep, saying to the man whose name was ‘Iyad b. Ghanm, “Pasture
them, for your father was a shepherd”. Then he called him back and mentioned
what has been said [about him]. He added, “What if I send you back!” He
returned him to his post, saying, “I must have your word that you will not wear any fine cloth, nor ride an expensive
horse [birdhawn]…. According to Abu Kurayb-Abu Usamah-Abdallah b. al-Walid-’Asim-Ibn Khuzaymah b. Thabit al-Ansari:
When Umar appointed a governor, he would write him a certificate of investiture that would be witnessed by a group of both
Emigrants and Helpers, stipulating that he should not ride an expensive horse, or eat white bread, or wear any fine cloth,
or prevent the people’s needs [from being satisfies].
SPEECH BY OMAR: Narrated Ibn ‘Abbas : I used to teach (the Qur’an) some people of the Muhajirin (emigrants), among
whom there was ‘Abdur Rahman bin ‘Auf. While I was in his house at
Mina, and he was with ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab during ‘Umar’s last Hajj, Abdur-Rahman came to me and said, -
“Would that you had seen the man who came today to Chief of the Believers (‘Umar), saying, ‘O Chief of the
Believers ! What do you think about so-and-so who says, ‘If ‘Umar
should die, I will give the pledge of allegiance to such-and-such person, as by Allah, the pledge of allegiance to Abu Bakr
was nothing but a prompt sudden action which got established afterwards. ‘Umar became angry and then said, ‘Allah
willing, I will stand before the people to-night and warn them against those people who want to deprive the others of their
rights (the question of ruler ship). “‘Abdur-Rahman said, “I said, ‘O Chief of the Believers! Do not do that, for the season of Hajj gathers the riffraff and the rubble, and it
will be they who will gather around you when you stand to address the people. And
I am afraid that you will get up and say something, and some people will spread your statement and may not say what you have actually said and may not understand its meaning, and may interpret it incorrectly, so you
should wait till you reach Medina as it is the place of emigration and the place of Prophet’s Traditions, and there
you can come in touch with the learned and noble people, and tell them you ideas with confidence, and the learned people will
understand your statement and put it in its proper place’. On that, ‘Mar
said, in the first speech I will deliver before the people in Media. “Bin
Abase added: We reached Median by the end of the month of Dhul-Hijja, and when it was Friday,
we went quickly (to the mosque) as soon as the sun had declined, and I saw Sa’id bin Zaid bin ‘Amr bin
Nufail sitting at the corner of the pulpit, and I too sat close to him so that my knee was touching his knee, and after a
short while, ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab came out, and when I saw him coming towards us, I said to Said bin Zaid bin ‘Amr
bin Naufal, “Today ‘Umar will say such a thing as he has never said since he was chosen as Caliph”. Said denied my statement with astonishment and said, “What thing do you expect
‘Umar to say the like of which he has never said before?” In the
meantime, ‘Umar sat on the pulpit and when the call makers for the prayer had finished their call, ‘Umar stood
up, and having glorified and praised Allah as He deserved, he said, “Now then, I am going to tell you something which
(Allah) has written for me to say. I do not know; perhaps it portends my death,
so whoever understands and remembers it, must narrate it to the others wherever his mount takes him, but if somebody is afraid
that he does not understand it, then it is unlawful for him to tell lies about me. Allah
sent Muhammad with the Truth and revealed the Holy Book to him, and among what Allah revealed, was the verse of the Rajam
(the stoning of married person (male & female) who commits illegal sexual intercourse, and we did recite this verse and
understood and memorized it. Allah’s Apostle did carry out the punishment
of stoning and so did we after him. I am afraid that after a long time has passed,
somebody will say, ‘By Allah, we do not find the Verse of the Rajam in Allah’s Book, ‘and thus they will
go astray be leaving an obligation which Allah has revealed. And the punishment
of the Rajam is to be inflicted to any married person (male & female) who commits illegal sexual intercourse if the required
evidence is available or there is conception or confession. And then we used
to recite among the Verses in Allah’s Book:
‘O people! Do not claim to be the offspring of other than your fathers, as it is disbelief (unthankfulness) on
your part that you claim to be the offspring of other than your real father’.
Then Allah’s Apostle said, ‘Do not praise me excessively as Jesus, son of Marry was praised, but call me
Allah’s Slave and His apostle. (O people!) I have been informed that a speaker amongst you says, ‘By Allah, if
‘Umar should die, I will give the pledge of allegiance to such and such person’.
One should not deceive oneself by saying that the pledge of allegiance given to Abi Bakr was given suddenly and it
was successful. No doubt, it was like that, but Allah saved (the people) from
its evil, and there is none among you who has the qualities of Abu Bakr. Remember
that whoever gives the pledge of allegiance to anybody among you without consulting the other Muslims, neither that person,
nor the person to whom the pledge of allegiance was given are to be supported, lest they both should be killed. And no doubt, after the death of the Prophet we were informed that the Ansar disagreed with us and gathered
in the shed of Bani Sa’da. ‘Al I
and Zubair and whoever was with them, opposed us, while the emigrants gathered with Abu Bakr. I said to Abi Bakr, ‘Let’s go to these Ansari brothers of ours’. So we set out seeking them, and when we approached them, two
pious men of theirs met us and informed us of the final decision of the Ansar, and said, ‘O group of Muhajirin (emigrants)! Where are you going?’ We replied,
‘We are going to these Ansari brothers of ours’. They said to us,
‘You shouldn’t go near them. Carry out whatever we have already decided’. I said, ‘By Allah, we will go to them’.
And so we proceeded until we reached them at the shed of Bani Sa’da. Behold! There was a man sitting amongst them and wrapped in something. I asked, ‘Who is the man?’ They said, ‘He
is Sa’d bin ‘Ubada.’ I asked, What is wrong with him?’ They said, ‘He is sick’. After
we sat for a while, the Ansar’s speaker said, ‘None has the right to be worshipped but Allah’ and praising
Allah as He deserved, he added, “To proceed, we are Allah’s Ansar (helpers) and the majority of the Muslim army,
while you, the emigrants, are a small group and some people among you came with the intention of preventing us from practicing
this matter (of caliphate) and depriving us of it’. When the speaker had
finished, I intended to speak as I had prepared a speech which I liked and which I wanted to deliver in the presence of Abu
Bakr, and I used to avoid provoking him. So, when I wanted to speak, Abu Bakr
said. ‘Wait a while disliked to make him angry. So Abu Bakr himslef gave a speech, and he was wiser and more patient
than I. By Allah, he never missed a sentence that I liked in my own prepared
speech, but he said the like of it or better than it spontaneously. After a pause
he said, ‘O Ansar! You deserve all (the qualities) that you have attributed
to yourselves, but this question (of Caliphate) is only for the quraish as they are the best of the Arabs as regards descent
and home, and I am pleased to suggest that you choose either of these two men, so take the oath of allegiance to either of
them as you wish. And then Abu Bakr held my hand and Abu Ubada bin Al-Jarrah’s
hand who was sitting amongst us. I hated nothing of what he had said except that
proposal, for by Allah, I would rather have my neck chopped off as expiatory for a sin than become the ruler of a nation one
of whose members is Abu Bakr, unless at the time of my death my own self suggests something I don’t feel at present’. And then one of the Ansar said, ‘I am the pillar on which the camel with a skin
disease (eczema) rubs itself to satisfy the itching (i.e. I am a noble) and I am as a high class palm tree! O Quraisb there should be one ruler from us and one from you.’
Then there was a hue and cry among the gathering and their voices rose so that I was afraid there might be great disagreement,
so I said, ‘O Abu Bakr! Hold your hand out’. He held his hand out
and I pledged allegiance to him, and then all the emigrants gave the pledge of allegiance and so did the Ansar afterwards. And so we became victorious over Sa’d bin ‘Ubada (whom Al-Ansar wanted
to make a ruler). One of the Ansar said, ‘You have killed Sa’d bin
‘Ubada’. I replied, ‘Allah has killed Sa’d bin ‘ubada’.
“ ‘Umar added, “By Allah, apart from the great tragedy that had happened to us (i.e. the death of the Prophet),
there was no greater problem than the allegiance pledged to Abi Bakr because we were afraid that if we left the people, they
might give he pledge of allegiance after us to one of their men, in which case we would have given them our consent for something
against our real wish, or would have opposed them and caused great trouble. So,
if any person gives the pledge of allegiance to somebody (to become a caliph) without consulting the other Muslims, then the
one he has selected should not be granted allegiance, lest both of them should be killed”. Bukhari 8 : 537 - 543, Hadith
# 817.
Construction projects : khalij amir al muminin, canals in iraq
and syria, garisson cities: kufa,
fustat, jabalah in syria (rebuilt), expansion
of the makka haram (move to txt/gov-wealth)
Institution of
the Islamic calendar : “Muhammad Ibn Ismail ... so they agreed upon al Muharram”
Tabari 6 : 158
and decisions on Omar’s command of the Iraq army : ‘Umar set
out on the first day ... my deputy in Medina”.
Tabari 12 : 1 - 5
Decision on whether
Omar will command the Iraq army: “When
Umar had told the people the news ... he will be the man to fact them” Tabari 13 : 196 - 199
Leader must exercise leadership: From Omar’s first speech: “...The
likeness of the Arabs is only to a camel led by the nose following its leader’ therefore, let its leader look where
he leads. As for me, by the Lord of the Kaaba, I will indeed bring them along
on the road”. Tabari 11 : 158 - 159
Leader must have initiative: “The most sagacious man is he who displays his own initiative, when he has
no directives from his superior to fall back on, or who, without holding back, gives expression to his own views”. Tabari 13 :
72 - 75
Omar worries about a camel in far-away Iraq: “According to Yunus : Umar b.
al-Khattab addressed the people and said, By Him who sent Muhammad with the Truth, if one camel were to perish untended on
the bank of the Euphrates, I would fear that God would hold the Khattab family responsible for it”. Tabari 14 :105 -
Omar, a gentle ruler: “According to Abdul Hamid b. Baya : Umar b. al-Khattab
said, “O subjects, you have an obligation to us to give advice on what is unknown and cooperate in doing good. There is no forbearance (him) dearer to God and more generally advantageous then that
of a gentle leader. O subjects there is no ignorance more hateful to God and
more generally evil than that of a harsh leader. O subject, he who enjoins well-being
for someone in his midst, God will bring him well-being from above”.
14 : 139
Every group elect a leader : Omar’s directive “Whenever three persons
among the Muslims proceed on a journey, they should make one their Amir, for the Holy Prophet (P.B.H) has ordered us to observe
this rule” Hayat 2: 58
Arabs are like camels: “The Arabs are like a tractable camel that follows its
leader. So its leader should watch where he is leading it. By the Lord of the
Kabah, I shall certainly carry them along the straight road”. Tabari 14:103
Everybody counts: The weak are also Muslims” Tabari 13 : 183
Omar’s desire to be on the people’s level : “When I find myself in a position when I fell comfortable,
but that means my people have no access (to me) then this (can) not (continue) to
be my position; I (must once again) be on the same level as my people”.
Omar’s desire to visit provinces: “If I live, I shall certainly travel for a whole year among my subjects,
God willing. I know that people have needs that do not reach me. Their governors will not refer them to me, nor will they themselves came to me. I shall travel to Syria
and stay there two months. I shall travel to the Jazirah and stay there two months. Then I shall travel to Bahrain
and stay there two month. Then I shall travel to al-Kufah and stay there for
two months. Then I shall travel to al-Basrah and stay there for two month. Indeed, what a fine year this will be”. Tabari 14 : 104
Leader should not feel he is special : Omar admonishes Saad, commander in Iraq: “O Sa’d, Sa’d of banu Wuhayb! You
must not allow yourself to be deluded into deviatin from (the way of) God if it is said: (This is) the uncle of the messenger
of God (and that is) one of his Companions. God will not eradicate one bad thing
by means of another but will rather eradicate a bad thing with a good one. For
there is no relationship between God and any human being except obedience. In
the eyes of God people are equal, regardless of rank; God is their Master, and they are His servants. The differ from each other in their well-being, and they achieve God’s favour by observing (His commandments). Ponder the way in which the Prophet behaved since the beginning of his mission and
until his death; stick to it, because this is the proper behaviour. This is my
admonition to you! If you disregard it and turn away from it, your endeavor will
fail, and you will be one of the losers. Tabari 12 : 8
Leader to keep secrets : Omar’s advice to Abu Ubayd: “... Keep your tongue and by no means give away
your secret, for the possessor of the secret, as long as he keeps it, is fortified: he will not be approached from a direction
he does not like, whereas if he causes it to be lost, Then he is lost”. Tabari 11: 187.
List the following
from what you have read about Omar
(a) Personal attributes
(b) Conceptual skills
(c) Practical skills
(d) Human skills
Compare Abu Bakr
and Omar’s leadership styles on the following: (FAROOQp24).