This paper
is an outline of preliminary ideas about training healthcare workers in ethics from an Islamic perspective. Ethics are universal
values and there is convergence among many religions and belief systems about these values. Islam differs from others in that
ethics is part of its Law. This makes the enforcement of medical ethics a religious duty that many Muslim health care workers
will respect because it is based on belief and not coercion.
The training
will not be confined to Islamic sources only. Western theories and principles of ethics will also be covered and comparisons
will be made with the Islamic ones. The Islamic sources of ethico-legal guidance are from the Qur’an and sunnat. If a direct text is not available, the theory of the Purposes of the Law, maqasid al shari’at, and legal axioms, qawa’id al fiqh,
are used to derive ethical rulings. Guidance is also obtained from books and edicts, fatawa,
on medical jurisprudence, al fiqh al tibbi. There is no one western theories of
medical ethics that can be compared to the theory of maqasid al shari’at.
The 4 western principles of ethics (autonomy, beneficence, nonmalefacence, and justice) can all be subsumed under one Islamic
legal principle of injury, qa’idat al dharar.
2.1 Theories and principles of medical ethics
Purposes and Principles of Medicine and ethics, maqasid wa qawa’id al tibaabat
2.1.2 Regulations
of Medical Procedures, dhawaabit al tatbiib
Regulations of Research Procedures, dhawaabit al bahath
Regulations of Physician Conduct, dhawaabit al tabiib
2.1.5 Regulations
about Professional Misconduct, dhawaabit al inhiraaf al mihani
The etiquette of the physician, adab al tabiib
2.2.1 Etiquette
with Patients and Families
2.2.2 Etiquette
with the Dying
2.2.3 Etiquette
with the Health Care Team
Etiquette of Research on Humans
2.3 Issues in disease conditions, fiqh al amraadh
2.3.1 Uro-Genital System,
jihaaz bawli & jihaaz tanaasuli
2.3.2 Cardio-Respiratory
System, qalb & jihaaz al tanaffus
2.3.3 Connective Tissue System,
2.3.4 Alimentary System,
jihaaz al ma idat
2.3.5 Sensory Systems,
al hawaas
2.3.6 Patho-physiological Disturbances
2.3.7 General Systemic Conditions
Psychiatric conditions, amraadh nafsiyyat
2.3.9 Neurological conditions, amraadh al a’asaab
Age-Related Conditions, amraadh al ‘umr
2.4 Issues in modern
medicine fiqh mustajiddaat al tibb
Assisted Reproduction, taqniyat al injaab
2.4.2 Contraception, mani’u al haml
2.4.3 Reproductive Cloning, al istinsaakh
Abortion, isqaat al haml
Genetic Technology, taqniyat wiraathiyyat
2.4.6 Artificial Life
Support, ajhizat al in’aash
2.4.7 Euthanasia, qatl
al rahmat
5.4.8 Solid Organ Transplantation,
naql al a’adha
5.4.9 Stem Cell Transplantation,
naql al khalaayat
5.4.10 Change of Fitra,
taghyiir al fitrat
The ethico-legal training program starts from the premise that there is a gap between what is and what ought to be
and that this gap can be closed by training. Training is learning on the job and is therefore very practical in nature. The
trainers do not give lectures but rather facilitate discussion and interaction among participants that leads to learning.
The training will be based entirely on study and discussion of cases of actual ethical problems that are encountered in hospital
practice. Source material will be provided in advance of any workshops. As far as possible training will be brought to each
health center of hospital. A total of 5 workshops each lasting 2-3 hours will be needed to cover the curriculum. Each workshop
will be opened by a short introduction from the workshop facilitator. Then the participants will be divided into discussion
groups each dealing with a group of related cases. Groups will present their findings in the plenary session followed by a
general discussion. The facilitator will summarize the principles learned as well as correct any misunderstandings.
of the project requires holding an initial training program to train the trainers. Then the trainers will train others. Resource
material will be provided as required. Additional material can be obtained from http://omarkasule.tripod.com.